Okay. This:
The internal propaganda machines will cover up the problems just long enough until the elite have managed to exchange their useless pesos, rubles or somalian shillings for bitcoin or other forms of wealth. Then bring on hyper inflation and let everyone else take the fall. These same elite will then stand back and watch their early adopter advantage reel in super wealth as bitcoin price rises.
Is completely backwards. The power of the collectivists is in their fiat and control of it. Infiltration of "substitute currencies" occurs from the bottom, the little people buying things in the market, ebay, where ever. This is fought against with laws, propaganda, and policing power. Eventually the substitute currency comes to be or has to be used by the ruling elite, by the police and so forth.
The ruling elite are NEVER the EARLY ADOPTERS. It is a radical fringe minority who are that.
However, these two dynamics are not completely separate. Even while a member of the ruling elite is ordering heads chopped off for dealing in the "bad evil foreign money", he is taking bribes under the table in that same money.
Also, hyper inflation is very different from moderate to severe inflation. Hyperinflation is not good for anyone, the ruling elite are also hit by it. Rich people are landlords, and suddenly their rent streams are worthless, while they must pay bills in exponentially larger amounts.
Maybe my imagination is tilted to one side slightly, but I still can't how this scenario would make a difference? As the currency collapses, there will presumably be a mass exodus into any other form of wealth be it gold, property, bitcoin or whatever. Some in this scenario will no doubt be quicker on the uptake than others, although i'd guess generally the small town sheep farmer with his cash under the bed will not be as prepared as the rich banker, politician or whatever fat cat.
lead on to the point when hyperinflation has run its course, terrible as that is, and the currency is deemed worthless. Then out of necessity bitcoin has been adopted by everyone. ....
The farmer IS PREPARED. During the 1921-1922 Weimer hyperinflation, the farmers would go into town and do crazy stuff, like buying a high class grand piano for four sacks of potatoes. The farmer had hard goods. Inflation and hyperinflation is nothing more than the preference of the consumer for hard goods rather than currency.
The mass exodus into other forms of wealth is never quick enough. Human habits are hard things to break. Before they know it their savings and wealth has vanished.
Yes bitcoin adds new dynamic to these things and in fact it may prevent the possibility of a hyperinflation. Let me try to explain what that new dynamic is.
Suppose the hyper is looming and people think, maybe they better diversify a bit. SOME are goldbugs, they've already done that. But 98% of the people, they look around and notice that the only bank accounts available are USD (or whatever the local currency is). They say, "gee, not so easy to get a stash of some other currency - they have me locked in!. But no problem, I'll just stock up on hard goods."
Now if the guy is comfortable with multiple currencies, uses them and has bank accounts in them, he's got no problem. But few people do - and the countries like it that way.
Now consider the situation same as above, 2% goldbugs, 98% just with USD. Some of those though are using bitcoin (nothing more or less than a substitute currency but one that's very rapidly adoptable) As the fiat worthless pressure mounts, market forces cause a shift to the bitcoin. It becomes commonly used on the street. The fiat starts to fade away in importance, although the government still prints it like crazy.
What happens is that the human suffering that occurs in a hyperinflation/severe inflation cannot occur.