I announced it before, but now its official: The king Bitcoin is death.
Who killed it? miners with their big fees day after day. its 7 dollars right now and gonna increase day after day.
Bitcoin is no longer suited for small transactions, speed stransactions. Peoples with small account are no longer welcome by Bitcoin miners.
Ethereum gonna be the new king for some months, but he is like bitcoin.
With increasing fees gonna be dead soon too.
When i said dead it means no longer number 1.
And then a third new king gonna came and stay there for maybe years, a king Altcoin with free transactions fees, very speed and secure transactions.
Maybe this king is already there: IOTA .
With something innovative than the very slow and high fees blockchains system.
It is sure that IOTA gonna be the next king, and from there the real decentralised decade of Altcoins gonna start, with more projects more decentralised than IOTA to try to be the Futur King.
I'm not an IOTA, Bitcoin, Ethereum defender, i dont give a shit about them. my only concerns are a fair,secure, too much decentralised, with no fees coins to be the new model.
That has been said many times and it is a something that has not happened, eventually the scheduled changes happen in one form or another, while the price remains upon 2.5 K means that people still have this as the first option.