In this topic, we'll dive into the most common types of scams in the cryptocurrency market, and hopefully, this will protect our readers from unwanted risks.1- Lack of responsibilityOne of the common types of fraud in the cryptocurrency market is the result of negligence. Often this happens due to the low level of responsibility and the lack of strict regulation by the authorities. Although the freedom afforded to entrepreneurs allows them to realize the most daring ideas, it also increases the risk of ignoring business essentials such as control and security.
The most famous example of criminal negligence in the crypto industry is the case of Mt. Gox, the platform, is popular in its first market start. However, the lack of knowledge of central finance majors, along with attachments, resulted in the loss of 650,000 BTC case-to-millions of dollars in debt and criminal prosecution of the podium Mark Karbilis. The image appears in the image that appears in the image.
SIM card swaSIM card replacement is a popular way to gain access to your valuable encrypted accounts, since most security checks, like email and two-factor authentication, are associated with a mobile phone number.
Thus, on November 14, 2019, the Massachusetts County Courthouse convicted fraudsters who managed to steal more than $ 550,000 of encrypted business accounts by transferring a mobile phone number through the operator from a “broken / lost” SIM card to their newly created account. The victims of the attackers were major cryptocurrency traders and the Bitcoin ATM network.
Bounzi EnterprisesGood old-fashioned investment scams, which enrich large investors at the expense of new users, regularly appear in the cryptocurrency market and are very popular, especially in Asia.
In December 2019, the organizers of the BitClub mining pool were arrested and charged with fraud, for $ 700 million. The attorney general claimed that he invested in the company's shares in exchange for substantial earnings - the company offered to invest in computing power and in mining, and provided investors with false information about mining income and an unprecedented and promising income.
Falsification of reportsOn June 19, 2020, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) froze the assets of a private fund investing in digital currencies, which offered investors shares in the company. To attract new investors, the fund falsified financial statements and audit documents, indicating deeply inflated profits. For example, they reported profits of 100.77% and 92.9% for the third and fourth quarter of 2019 rather than admitting that they had already incurred losses. Investors lost tens of millions of dollars. The Securities and Exchange Commission investigation into this case is still ongoing.
Better to be safeYes, the cryptocurrency market is very attractive, but it is not called the "Wild West" for no reason - in the absence of regulation it is the best trap for people looking for ways to enrich themselves quickly, including those who want to get rich at your own expense. The times you least expect. Of course, when choosing a company, platform, portfolio, service, partner or fund, you should give preference to full transparency, a positive reputation, and certain guarantees. However, with strict adherence to security measures, the use of extra precautions, and analysis, the cryptocurrency market is still a unique place in the IT industry, where the ability to make fortune through speculation parallels the potential for making the incredible things happen.
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