It's a great lesson to all new traders who really want to join mentorship that to verify first if the mentor is really profitable because they can't really guide you in your trading journey especially the bullish market is now starting. "How can you help others if you can't even help yourself?"
and also see how recommendations from others about the person who will be the mentor.
That way it will be clearer how the quality of the mentor chosen, not just teaching and of course must be able to trade and mentoring must be more expert.
But is it comparable to the knowledge taught, and is he an expert mentor?
I can't guess about the standard mentor fee, but $200 is pretty expensive for me.
I didn't even have a mentor and was just self-taught from articles and some YouTube videos.
The most important thing is how seriously one learns and is consistent in what one wants to master,
and the flying hours of that trade also affect, it will form good trading emotions.