I have mentioned many times that the forum is the best place to search for reviews of crypto-based casinos and gambling platforms. Unfortunately, there are no other sources of information as accurate and rich as the forum, and almost all other sites are not guaranteed to be honest. However, it should be noted that we should not trust everything we read on the forum because the forum is a public space open to everyone and the forum administration does not support resistance to scam schemes, so anyone or any entity can publish whatever they want or even promote scam casinos. The good thing is that the forum allows you to ask questions and join discussions. Unfortunately, not everyone is good at using the forum, and many of them are victims of scam schemes that they found on the forum or under the guidance of one of the forum members.
The Op who needed the answers and asked the question is no more (not active) in the forum so all these good and useful answers is just like a waste though other people are benefiting from the question because when I read the Op and saw the first answer in the thread. I liked it and even checked all the links and read the threads and other articles. And from other discussions seen so far in the forum, such discussion has been going on and answers we given as this one. It is good for the reputable members in the forum to recommend good casinos in the forum for people and it is for the user to test some of those recommended casinos to know which is suitable for him to have long gambling fun.
And to those who might ask the same question, I recommend Wolf.bet for them and it has good recommendation also in their announcement thread.
First, my last comment was in response to a member in the quote you took. That is, you took the quote and thought I was commenting in response to op's questions about the best casino, which is not accurate at all.
Second, our thoughts that we write in the comments are not always in response to op's questions. Rather, they may be a response to the thoughts in the users' comments and the discussion expands to include other parts of the topic. There are discussions that are still active even though it has been a long time since op first posted the topic. You can notice this on all pages where users are discussing and interacting with quotes. Some good ideas may be in related topics.
Third, like you, I promote a well-established casino in my signature space and I could have shortened it by directing op to it, but I know that would not be enough to convince. So my answer was about the best ways to search for a good platform and in doing so I leave room for anyone who will read the comment at any time (even years later) to benefit.