We happen to misunderstand these things because of the part of the world we live in or come from. Where we hardly pay taxes for the things we own, in fact, we don’t even pay at all. We just enjoy what we’ve archived and that’s it but, not all assets serves for an investment. Some are a liability. Once you’re paying for maintenance, paying taxes on them and they aren’t fetching you any money in return, it’s a liability.
Arguably, owning a house has been put in this category. Maybe not having to own a house down here but, in developed societies.
It saves you from having to pay rent but, you still get to be taxed on it and the many amenities you enjoy.
That’s why Bitcoin suits for a proper investment at this time, it’s not being taxed except declared in some instances.
Meanwhile, it pays to archive goals for a lifetime, I wouldn’t say asset but, money fetching asset. Perhaps if people really view opportunities to be once in a lifetime and some means to save guard there future, they would be sure to make good use of them when they eventually find it.