I pointed out my own brainwallet address with 1 BTC (https://blockchain.info/address/1Au4v6dZacFVsWXeKUMJd99AtyBZeqti2L) and it still has that 1 BTC there (so those wanting to show that you can't create a good brainwallet are not doing a good job in that they seemingly are unable to sweep that 1 BTC and it has been there for a long time - and as I took out 9 BTC previously the public key is available also).
My next challenge to conventional thinking is with crypto itself. We are constantly told *don't roll your own crypto* and for sure just like *don't create a brainwallet* it is not something that *anyone can do* but I think that those who are smart enough to create a brainwallet should also be thinking about exercising their skills at creating crypto (if they keen to work out how to do so).
Because you simply can't trust anyone else to create it for you.
Everyone here should be well aware that any publicly created crypto has been more than likely influenced by the NSA or other groups (as has already been exposed by Wikileaks and others).
So I prefer that we discuss ways of creating new crypto rather than saying "we can't discuss that as we are not qualified". As that is the easiest argument to force everyone to use unsafe software (i.e. don't think for yourself just use what *we say you should use*).
I don't quite understand the paranoid behavior so many of you here display at the NSA. The NSA is not an omnipotetnt all knowing being, it's simply an organization for America's security.
The NSA more likely than not, has had hardly if any any influence on crypto. If they did, then Bitcoin would not have reached where it has today. All the scams and thefts that have rocketed cryptocoins the past year(s) were created mostly by people we know the identities of. The guy who scammed people with his ponzi for millions of Bitcoin, was arrested. Charlie Shrem, was arrested. The guy who scammed the Mintpal users, we know how he looks like, etc etc.
If you actually look at the facts and details, you'd find that most of the big scams going on or that have happened in crypto are not secretive, the identities of the scammers are known, it's just catching them/putting them in jail that awaits.
So please, stop with your damn paranoia. It's annoying.
That alone says a lot about your understanding of current affairs.
What the NSA is, is an enemy to privacy, and not just them, most intelligence agencies are. They've had more influence on crypto than bitcoin has had on the world. put that comparison to thought if you want to understand "the paranoid behavior"