
Topic: The N.L.A. wants YOU!! Volunteers Needed, BTC for Sigs or +Feedback! (Read 779 times)

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
The Noob Liberation Army wants YOU!!

(Rare photo of Vod when he was a newbie 3000 years ago before defecting to the dark side)

Tired of being ridiculed just for being a newbie? Has a member or members of the forums Infamous Trust Nazi's (I.T.N.) attacked your beloved trust feedback? Then we want YOU to join the cause of the Noob Liberation Army (N.L.A.)!!

After being captured by the I.T.N.'s evil boob licking General Vod our fearless leader dmcl mandella has been locked up in negative trust jail. We need to free him, and all others wrongly jailed by the I.T.N.'s evil trust regime!


Newbie Volunteers Wanted

Have you been ridiculed and abused by the I.T.N. for being a newbie? Volunteer and join the revolution! Simply copy and paste the signature text below and insert the offending user/users names and fight back with the Noob Liberation Army!!

[b]Free (your name here)!! Death to the Infamous Trust Nazi's and Evil General (their name here) - [i]Represent & Fight the Power! Brought to you by the [url=][color=green]N[/color][color=darkgreen]o[/color][color=green]o[/color][color=darkgreen]b[/color] [color=green]L[/color][color=darkgreen]i[/color][color=green]b[/color][color=darkgreen]e[/color][color=green]r[/color][color=darkgreen]a[/color][color=green]t[/color][color=darkgreen]i[/color][color=green]o[/color][color=darkgreen]n[/color] [color=green]A[/color][color=darkgreen]r[/color][color=green]m[/color][color=darkgreen]y[/color][/url][/i][/b]

Will Show:
"Free (your name here)!! Death to the Infamous Trust Nazi's and Evil General (their name here) - Represent & Fight the Power! Brought to you by the Noob Liberation Army"

All New N.L.A. recruits will be issues with 1x can of troll spray for those times when your ambushed out of nowhere in the middle of a thread. It should hold them back long enough for reinforcements to be deployed.


Paid Signature Space

I will pay YOU in BTC to support the N.L.A. and help to free their oppressed and ridiculed leader dmcl mandella!! Free dmcl mandella!!! I will pay YOU 0.0__ BTC per _____ to support the cause with the message:

[b]Free dmcl mandella!! Death to the Infamous Trust Nazi's and Evil [url=]General Vod[/url] - [i]Represent & Fight the Power! Brought to you by the [url=][color=green]N[/color][color=darkgreen]o[/color][color=green]o[/color][color=darkgreen]b[/color] [color=green]L[/color][color=darkgreen]i[/color][color=green]b[/color][color=darkgreen]e[/color][color=green]r[/color][color=darkgreen]a[/color][color=green]t[/color][color=darkgreen]i[/color][color=green]o[/color][color=darkgreen]n[/color] [color=green]A[/color][color=darkgreen]r[/color][color=green]m[/color][color=darkgreen]y[/color][/url][/i][/b]

Will Show:
"Free dmcl mandella!! Death to the Infamous Trust Nazi's and Evil General Vod - Represent & Fight the Power! Brought to you by the Noob Liberation Army"


I will pay YOU a minimum of 0.002 BTC to give me either negative or positive trust ratings with the statement:
"Free dmcl mandella!! Death to the Infamous Trust Nazi's and Evil General Vod - Represent & Fight the Power! I support the Noob Liberation Army"

Also dont forget to put the link to this thread in the reference box when leaving trust feedback!

NOTE: If you are in a sufficient trust group so that your feedback will go into the trusted feedback part of my trust profile I will pay you more than the price listed above. PM me to negotiate a price (assuming I can afford it at that moment in time). also I am willing to pay you twice if you leave a negative and a positive, so that would be 0.004 BTC (or more if your in a sufficient trust group).

Basically the aim of the game here is to load up all areas of my feedback profile to highlight just how flawed the trust rating system is and that it can be used for personal vendetta's, that it can be bought and that it should hold no weight for transactions with, or opinions of, users of either positive or negative feedback because ALL users new and old should exercise caution and be safe when dealing/trading here as scammers come in all forms, shapes, sizes, post counts and feedback ratings.

This has been a public service announcement by the Noob Liberation Army.
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