So, just to re-cap, Coin_Master thinks we should all be quiet and this thread should just go away, because, well, at first, intelligence agencies could only "access your computer if they insert a wireless device into it."
And, then, when it's admitted right on the Intel website that these devices are, in fact, in a lot of computers already, and set to become standard on all Intel PCs, we just need to all shut up about it because "this is not the place to discuss that issue."
This thread, called "The NSA is reportedly able to access offline computers thanks to radio wave tech," is not the place to discuss wireless, offline access being made standard on CPUs, apparently. Because, apparently, someone having wireless access directly to your PC, even when it's turned off, is not a "Bitcoin related topic."
Like I said already, I've been personally targeted by this bullshit. I know exactly who implemented it, and why. It was not a fun experience for me. It's something I think everyone should be aware of. And it is
directly relevant to Bitcoin.
And if you don't like Infowars as a source, even though their article is well-researched and you can click through and watch the video about this technology right on the Intel website, you can read about similar plans of the CIA for how their investment arm, In-Q-Tel, works with manufacturers to put spy technology into everything they can, from Wired:
CIA Chief: We’ll Spy on You Through Your DishwasherEarlier this month, Petraeus mused about the emergence of an “Internet of Things” — that is, wired devices — at a summit for In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital firm.