stopped reading right there, a source that's that bad at math doesn't have any creditably at all.
10.8 billion / 3.8 trillion = 0.3%? not even close (it's closer to 0.03%)
also, this is more of an argument how much growth potential bitcoin actually has.
if bitcoin grow to only 3% of the worlds money supply (which is entirely possible), bitcoins value would go up by a 100 times.
even 30% is easily possible, which means the value of bitcoin could increase by a 1000 times, making each bitcoin worth rougly a million (in todays dollars).
These figures are highly inacurrate.
One has to look at all of the money worldwide. This has to include M1, M2, and M3 money.
Then one has to look at derivatives whice are a form of money used by the worldwide banking systems.
According to wikipedia there is about 70 trillion in M1, M2, and M3 including derivatives.
If one were also to include world debt that figure raises to about 700 trillion worldwide. World debt is comonly known to exceed 700 trillion dollars.
If Bitcoin were to have a valuation of just a fraction of the above amount, each bitcoin would have a value of over $ 1 million USD. If It were to get a moderate piece of the world monetary market each coin would have a valuation of up to $20 million USD each!
That's not "to da moon" talk, that's "to da sun" talk