I almost would welcome the jerk - the jerk would help us make the network strong while the window of opportunity is as open as it's ever going to be. The jerk would be doing us a favor. He should be charging for the favor. It's a "stress test". Everyone knows the current version is non-scalable and will HAVE to be fixed. So why not fix it sooner than later?
Just like the jerk who exploited an overflow bug in 0.3.9. We're now stronger because of it. It was far easier to get a few early adopters to upgrade, than a mass of five million users.
There is a huge amount of non-consensus as to what will happen when the going gets tough. It would be far better for the longevity of the system to have it happen experimentally than have it turn off a whole influx of users.
A jerk who spams our block chain may very well give us the motivation to start working on scalability promoters like making blocks prunable, or allowing people to run "full nodes" versus "minimal nodes" etc.
No matter how much spam one jerk can produce, real transaction volume is eventually going to eclipse it... that is, if the system will scale to support it.
there are 10k jerks a minute pounding btc right now and you know it, the fact that there are so few failrures and complaints of lost coin is amazing,
u already have the 'bch' fork which never met a mod it didn't like, and then core is conservative, but everybody is hell-bent on breaking core, what happened to if it ain't broken, don't fix it?
problem is u all try to make all things to all people, btc will never scale to be a day-trading platform for ever 2bit jackass on earth to buy/sell 0.0001 btc orders every millisecond, it would be far better to just let the trading exchanges churn that shit and take a cut on the thrash, as the house always wins,
also this notion that every toilet in India/China/Africa should charge BTC for the 1cent shit and that be a transaction, again they already have that in those country's and its called the cell-phone credit ( a form of crypt cash )
BITCOIN is a bank for rich techies, live with it, and then for those not to lazy to have made the +2,000 BTC forks from the orginal code, then there too you can create your 'master-piece', the problem is that u want stuff to scale and run like ORACLE, then the problem is you need a Larry Ellision to run Oracle, and now it ain't BITCOIN anymore, its NSA;
NSA uses Oracle for their database Ellision wouldn't be a billionaire if not for his CIA-NSA biz, and same reason here big demand to scale up bitcoin so it be the NWO currency, but then again, it wouldn't be BITCOIN anymore if it were run by GOV & VISA asshols
Then in time of course GAVIN and all the 'founders' decide its time that they become the next BILL-GATES of BITCOIN, so then its no longer everybody is a equal node, its a few guys aer TRILLOINAIRES and everybody else is a muppet