I think Friedrich Nietzsche said it best — 'And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the
We are dancing on the music of a ground breaking technology, also called : The Internet of Money and the rest of the Fiat slaves are not
hearing the music. Can we blame them for not dancing?
We should make them hear the music, and the only way to do this, will be to increase the volume. The volume on the exchanges and the
volume of merchants and the volume of Bitcoin ATM's and the volume of information on public social media.
-= Increase the volume, so that we can all dance together =-
The problem is even tho we have increased the volume of the music to the highest as possible, some of them are just closing their ears.
Some people just don't really care about Bitcoin, they think that it a waste of time and money. I know that we can fix it by telling them more about Bitcoin, but there will be some people that won't be told by us. They're too afraid of new things, they don't like innovations.
The music isn't the problem, but the person themself.