Meh. I don't think it's because metaphorically they can't hear the music, but because they choose not to.
Don't expect a man to understand something, if his livelihood depends on him being unable to"
Not sure who said that, but it fits a broader explanation for why alot of people reject it: Bitcoin, and all the phenomenon surrounding it, upsets their view of the world, it turns their world-view upside down. And those people don't like what they see, they prefer the eyes-closed/fingers-in-ears approach.
Early on in Bitcoin, I tried convincing someone about BTC by explaining the long-term risks that using fiat money entails. He replied: "Well, maybe when the bond market crashes, the banks fail, the banks requisition all public infrastructure, and hyperinflation ensues, maybe I'll think about Bitcoin once all that has happened". This is what we're up against, lol
I had very similar experiences.
In fact, I think that answer is very simple, people are afraid to try something new.
Most people are content with their lives, jobs, families, friends etc.
They maybe heard about so much failed projects on Internet or that bitcoin is decentralized and without government control.
Many people are scared by such things and don't want to go out of their comfort zone and try something new, revolutionary.
It's more safe just to continue in old ways, without any risk involved.