Bitcoin has nearly peaked?
Dude, Bitcoin's fair value right now, just based on the infrastructure and tx volume is around $1,000 per coin. Bitcoin has been heavily manipulated for 2 years now.
I say we're at most a few months away from Bitcoin blowing its top.
$10,000 will be a good deal when that happens. We should see $1,000 increases in price [in a single day] as well as massive drops as high frequency traders and Wall Street take over.
It's gonna be the most amazing thing the investment world has ever seen.
Yeah we know the prices have been manipulated across the board for 2 years (thats no different to the real world stocks even today).
It's not going to happen Vlad, it's a pipe dream. Banks and governments will issue "digital stocks" to the market separate from Bitcoin tentatively at first with small amounts of capital. Then they will slowly increase and add assets into the system. Libertarians will adopt to use a range of cryptocurrencies I predict largely avoiding the first established ones, many attempts will also be made to draw people away from Bitcoins before they establish any worthwhile value.
History also repeats itself, for example;
1993 - The first internet search engine was created - W3catalog
1994 - Webcrawler and Lycos
1995 - Altavista, Excite and Yahoo
1996 - Hotbot and Ask Jeeves
1997 - Northern Light and Yandex
1998 - Google was established (and global market leader) - 6 years after the first (although I am sure compuserve was there in 1992))
(source: Wikipedia -
Google was obviously in development for sometime and people have stated that Google appeared as early as 1995, although Wiki sites it as 1998.
Compare that to Bitcoin
2009 - Bitcoin
2011 - Namecoin, Litecoin, IXcoin
2012 - Peercoin
2013 - Dogecoin, Ripple, NXT
2014 - Auroracoin, Mazacoin
2015 - Ethereum
With Microrosft integrating Ethereum and the history above it shows that one of the coins from 2015 (or one of the coins from end 2014) should become the market leader (maybe Ethereum) - this is just hypothetical but fits the model. It's just an estimation based on historical comparison but I imagine it to be similar - the same can be said for Bitcoin Exchanges I would imagine, particularly if Nasdaq launches their digital currency/asset system early in 2016.
As I said before, also with Bottlecaps, actually it is within the legal rights of Bethesda to apply for commercial rights for the coin (and any premine if any exists) because legally "bottlecaps and the use of fallout imagery acts as misleading people that Bottlecaps is the property or creation of Bethesda for the purposes of financial benefit - regardless of whether it is a community coin or an "ode" to the Fallout genre" - its dodgy commercial ground there. Also on successful legal proprietorship of the coin Bethesda could begin offering money for any individual coin (i.e. the $20 paycoin model) which can then be valued higher at a later date - in fact Bethesda could have a health position in finance particularly if they invest capital into the digital currency which gamers would use (and therefore other gaming companies and platforms would start to accept - EA, Ubisoft, Steam - in fact we could see the proliferaton of a completely new genre of cryptocurrencies outwith the mainstream) the coins can then be used within their games and as a stock or transactable currency across the world is not the work of fiction.
Personally I think Bitcoin has seen its peak for now, Joe Public is likely to invest from the bottom up - buy lots of cheap coins first for greater return later on - given the current price new people are unlikely to buy in until base prices of altcoins rise sufficiently to be comparable to Bitcoin.
It's just my opinion but logically is one of the potential routes for the system to go, I expect to see huge changes in 2016 regardless
A user on the Bitcointalk forum constructed an elaborate conspiracy theory concluding that Bethesda Softworks, the company behind the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series, was behind the creation of the cryptocurrency that now powers leagues of digital drug pushers and libertarian thought paraders.
The poster first observes that Fallout 3 was released three days after Nakamoto published the paper that established how exactly Bitcoin would work.
“Bitcoin was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto, who published the invention on 31 October 2008 in a research paper called ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,’" the theorist writes. "The US launch date of Fallout 3 was 28 October 2008 and the European launch was 30 October 2008. If techies were too busy playing Fallout 3 of course they wouldn’t notice the publication of the Bitcoin paper. Sleight of hand?”