i think a good question might be;
what would make YOU (me, i, we, us) abandon cash for a tool of the fascists?
Only one thing will work:
And the other F word:
Way too many people in this world would never give up something physical they can hold in their hand for something they will never see nor ever withdraw and actually hold personally which is what Bitcoin is, it will never ever leave the Blockchain [and neither will you].
A lot of resources and crypto puppets (Ver, Andreas, and probably most top Bitcoin guys) have been used to falsely shape Bitcoin into a tool of freedom via the propagation of many lies that the govt and banks hate Bitcoin (i.e. Andreas the Shill) when it is now clear to even the blind Andreas worshippers that it was cash they hated all along.
There is no way all these massive countries decided 6 months ago to ban cash. This is a massive logistics undertaking which takes years to plan and execute. About 6-7 years to be exact. haha
And yes, the Blockchain is going global.
BLOCK - CHAIN.Wickedly devilish sense of humor!