Okay, maybe the corporate elite will keep BTC and other PoW coins floating. But the free market would never choose to go with a crypto like BTC! It will only survive at the hand of corporate and government force.
They lied to us in College about free markets. Markets are very much centralized and manipulated. We have some freedom but nothing like what was portrayed in the economics textbooks they spon fed us. Thank God I never had the money to ever buy any of those books so I didn't read a single Econ book, but the lectures did plenty of damage. I lost more money in the stock market due to not realizing this fact [early on] than any other single personal miscalculation.
And you guys think people will just choose a different crypto to go with? lol, I wonder why people don't do that right now, instead of using dollars? Like use some unknown ShitCoin? Or print your own dollars on your laser copy machine.
It would be so easy for any government to ban any and all competing crypto coins. Without mass adoption those currencies would die on the vine. What gives Doge, LTC, Bitcoin, etc., value is adoption and mass acceptance by merchants and the masses. Digital currencies themselves have ZERO intrinsic value.
No merchant on earth would ever accept an illegal crypto [which can be much more easily tracked than counterfeit dollar bills] and that's all that would be needed to kill any competing crypto-coins. So the only coin(s) to survive will be the ones which are pre-approved by the government [and the banks].
Yet one more thing Satoshi should have seen but chose not to guard and code against.
To win at this global game - simply accurately predict the coin(s) which the government, banks and corporations will back and put your money behind them. They will do the rest and you will get rich.
What happens after that won't be pretty but maybe you'll be able to take your money out and live your life somewhere "