I hereby commandeer this thread!
Voia lui Dumnezeu, indeed!
Deus vult intensifies!
Oh Vlad this makes me sad. You know what your problem has always been? You’ve been too nice. Always trying to be correct, always trying to be fair and just at your own personal sacrifice.
You see the good feel and see that and are drawn to it, but unfortunately evil is also drawn to it - seeking to destroy it.
Have no worries, unlike you I have a different objective. You have done your part for a good, long hard 7 years. Those who had eyes and ears saw and heard. Those who didn’t, well, they chased lies and illusions.
If you don’t mind, I’ll take over now, you need the rest, my friend.
The simpletons will weep for their once simple lives, and the wicked will wish they had a nice, reasonable guy like you to deal with instead of me.
Shall we start the game?