
Topic: The “ROY Club” is a PRIZM cryptocurrency para-mining platform that unites partic - page 13. (Read 4575 times)

Activity: 345
Merit: 0
I have been at ROY PRIZM Club for 8 months. And I am very glad that I chose ROY Club, as it is here that you can provide yourself and your loved ones with a decent life.

Hello. Thank you for your comment, the project ROY and Cryptocurrency Prism is a great opportunity to earn!
Activity: 71
Merit: 0
I have been at ROY PRIZM Club for 8 months. And I am very glad that I chose ROY Club, as it is here that you can provide yourself and your loved ones with a decent life.
Activity: 345
Merit: 0
Плaтфopмa coвмecтнoгo пapaмaйнингa кpиптoвaлюты....

Hello. Thank you for your comment!

What an obvious fake post... At least can you post in English with your shill account? Roll Eyes

Condoras, hello. Thank you for your comment! I think it is very important to thank a person for leaving a comment, if you have a question, write, I will answer.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1104
This is what I do. I drink and I know things.
Плaтфopмa coвмecтнoгo пapaмaйнингa кpиптoвaлюты....

Hello. Thank you for your comment!

What an obvious fake post... At least can you post in English with your shill account? Roll Eyes

Activity: 345
Merit: 0
Плaтфopмa coвмecтнoгo пapaмaйнингa кpиптoвaлюты PRIZM и cooбщecтвo инвecтopoв, кoтopыe cтpeмятcя измeнить этoт миp к лyчшeмy!

Зapaбaтывaeм нa PRIZM, coздaeм peaльныe бизнec-пpoeкты, зaнимaeмcя блaгoтвopитeльнocтью и пpocтo oбщaeмcя c eдинoмышлeнникaми. Cвoбoдa, paвнoпpaвиe, cтpeмлeниe к oбщим идeaлaм и coздaниe дocтoйнoгo пaccивнoгo дoxoдa для вcex yчacтникoв — этo POЙ Клyб!

Зapaбaтывaeм нa PRIZM, кoтopый в oтличиe oт бoльшинcтвa кpиптoвaлют, иcпoльзyeмыx кaк cпeкyлятивный инcтpyмeнт, зaдyмывaлcя и coздaвaлcя кaк пo-нacтoящeмy дeцeнтpaлизиpoвaннoe мeждyнapoднoe плaтeжнoe cpeдcтвo. To ecть y вcex пoльзoвaтeлeй ecть paвныe пpaвa и вoзмoжнocти.

PRIZM — иннoвaциoнный пpoeкт, кoтopый дaёт paвныe вoзмoжнocти yчacтникaм ceти. Кaждый пoльзoвaтeль пoлyчaeт эмиccию нoвыx мoнeт пyтём пapaмaйнингa в paмкax eдиныx oбщиx пpaвил. Кaждый имeeт вoзмoжнocть cтaть пoлнoцeнным yзлoм ceти, coздaвaть блoки и пoлyчaть кoмиccию. Кaждый мoжeт coздaвaть инcтpyмeнты и инфpacтpyктypy пoд PRIZM, интeгpиpoвaть cвoи пpoeкты.

Hello. Thank you for your comment!
Activity: 345
Merit: 0
Another month of stable work Roy Club! We continue to work! All further success!

Hello. Thank you for your comment.
Activity: 345
Merit: 0
I used to lose money in various projects, thanks to the Royclub I returned my funds

Can you say how much you have invested and how quickly did you achieve ROI?
If you do not want to give exact amounts, provide some sample numbers and describe it in percentage.
It would be helpful for anyone thinking of trying this program.

Hello. I acquired Prism and invested 9 months in the ROY project on the backside, my income is up to 30% of the invested funds every month (I invested $ 10,000 at the rate of 1 Prism = $ 0.19), I take out part of the profit on a monthly basis for needs.
Activity: 345
Merit: 0
I used to lose money in various projects, thanks to the Royclub I returned my funds

Hello! Project ROY and Cryptocurrency Prism are the best!
Activity: 345
Merit: 0
Updating the site ROY club.

Friends, in this update we updated and added a lot of new information to the site and improved its work!

1. Added pages to Products and Services for PRIZM:
✓ Altai-near.rf
✓ Ekaterina Tsvetkova. Teacher in dance, yoga and breathing exercises, coach-stylist.
✓ makhtal.rf
2. Instructions in the ROY Club have been updated, and a new one has been added: “How to protect your money”.
3. Changed the data of the head of the office in Yoshkar-Ola.
4. Changed and added curators to the curators page ROY Club.
5. Added new offices, Yekaterinburg and Irkutsk, and their data on the Offices page.
6. New completed marks in the roadmap.
7. New instructions: “Acquiring PRIZM cryptocurrency and transferring it to the ROY Club”, “Improving security”, “How to get into the structure of another leader”, “Making profit in the ROY Club on the SIGE[Suspicious link removed]O wallet”.

We hope that you will appreciate this update and get the best experience from its use!

Need money?
Interested in passive income?
We are ready to help you!
Invest in joint paraming in the ROY club.

Details on the link:
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
Another month of stable work Roy Club! We continue to work! All further success!
hero member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 505
I used to lose money in various projects, thanks to the Royclub I returned my funds

Can you say how much you have invested and how quickly did you achieve ROI?
If you do not want to give exact amounts, provide some sample numbers and describe it in percentage.
It would be helpful for anyone thinking of trying this program.
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
I used to lose money in various projects, thanks to the Royclub I returned my funds
hero member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 505
Over 60 000 000 PRIZM investments!

Our project is growing and developing, and it can be best understood by the number of coins invested. Already, we jointly own 1% of all PRIZM coins that will appear in the future (final issue - 6 billion coins)

And the more investment - the more profit for everyone! Today, thousands and thousands of people begin to live a new life thanks to the ROY Club!

We hope that our community was able to help you!

Need money?
Interested in passive income?
We are ready to help you!
Invest in joint paraming in the ROY club.

Details on the link:

I noticed that someone is accusing you of the fact that "ROY CLUB" is ponzi schame, can you explain where the funds for payments for program participants come from? Or can you ensure that payments are not created from funds deposited by new users?
Activity: 345
Merit: 0
Over 60 000 000 PRIZM investments!

Our project is growing and developing, and it can be best understood by the number of coins invested. Already, we jointly own 1% of all PRIZM coins that will appear in the future (final issue - 6 billion coins)

And the more investment - the more profit for everyone! Today, thousands and thousands of people begin to live a new life thanks to the ROY Club!

We hope that our community was able to help you!

Need money?
Interested in passive income?
We are ready to help you!
Invest in joint paraming in the ROY club.

Details on the link:
Activity: 345
Merit: 0
Hooray, friends, a great event has happened!

All year we went to overcome the line of 50,000 participants and, finally, we did it! This is the most important victory of our community, in which many new, active, purposeful and simply good people appeared!

Congratulations to all of us on this achievement!

We set a goal and successfully came to it. And every member of our community is involved in this. We are well done!

But do not forget that we have a little less than a month before the anniversary. And we must use this period with maximum benefit!

Let's grow to 60,000 by December 6th!

Need money?
Interested in passive income?
We are ready to help you!
Invest in joint paraming in the ROY club.

Details on the link:
Activity: 345
Merit: 0
ROY Club is 11 months old!

This means that soon we will celebrate the first year of our Club!

However, for now, do not relax and begin to take stock!

There is still a whole month before the anniversary, during which we can have time to do very, very much! So get connected to the projects and programs of the ROY Club, attract new partners!

A month later, at the grand five-day conference in Sochi, we will celebrate the anniversary, make plans for the future, set new goals.

In the meantime, let's show what we are capable of!

Need money?
Interested in passive income?
We are ready to help you!
Invest in joint paraming in the ROY club.

Details on the link:
Activity: 345
Merit: 0
The Roy Club is really a great opportunity for business, for development and for realization of our desires and goals.

Hello, thank you very much for your comment!
Activity: 345
Merit: 0

Payment for completing tasks in the Swarm Movement:

Hello. Thank you for your comment! ROY and Prism are great projects!

So, "para-mining" is only a game where we can win PRIZM, right?
What is the value behind PRIZM (PZM)? I mean, is this a utility token? If so, how can it be used or exchanged?
Is PRIZM listed on any exchange?

1. Para-mining ”of cryptocurrencies Prism is carried out due to the peculiarities of cryptocurrency, the principle is similar to Bitcoin mining, only this does not use the power of computer technology. Details: To date, the cost of cryptocurrency Prism is $ 0.77 (over the past month, the cost has doubled)
3. The Prism cryptocurrency is currently represented on four exchanges, here is one of them:

Do the PRIZM coin was made to use it in ROY Club, or ROY Club just adopted PRIZM for own needs? I mean, are you developer of both - service and coin?

The ROY project appeared later than the Prism cryptocurrency, but, the creator of the Prism cryptocurrency, supports the ROY project and officially announced this!
hero member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 505

Payment for completing tasks in the Swarm Movement:

Hello. Thank you for your comment! ROY and Prism are great projects!

So, "para-mining" is only a game where we can win PRIZM, right?
What is the value behind PRIZM (PZM)? I mean, is this a utility token? If so, how can it be used or exchanged?
Is PRIZM listed on any exchange?

1. Para-mining ”of cryptocurrencies Prism is carried out due to the peculiarities of cryptocurrency, the principle is similar to Bitcoin mining, only this does not use the power of computer technology. Details: To date, the cost of cryptocurrency Prism is $ 0.77 (over the past month, the cost has doubled)
3. The Prism cryptocurrency is currently represented on four exchanges, here is one of them:

Do the PRIZM coin was made to use it in ROY Club, or ROY Club just adopted PRIZM for own needs? I mean, are you developer of both - service and coin?
Activity: 71
Merit: 0
The Roy Club is really a great opportunity for business, for development and for realization of our desires and goals.
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