But, I'm surprised there isn't more online shopping focusing only on Bitcoin customers. A lot of the ones that do, seem like scams.
When I started to get interested in Bitcoin I expected everything to be popping. There would be cottage industries popping up all over to cater to Bitcoin customers.
NEW never seen before cottage industries concentrating on bitcoin:
ASIC manufacturers (billion dollar industry)
exchanges (multimillion dollar industry)
payment gateways (multimillion dollar industry)
online shops focusing on only bitcoins:
bitcoinshop, bitcoin store, namecheap, alpaca socks, bitcoincupcakes, to name just a few. but if you search out the bitcoin services websites, not only are they themselves bitoin concentrating services, but the companies they list are bitcoin concentrating services. so go check out coinmap.
I get the feeling that's really not the case. I could be 100% wrong. I admit that. But, there isn't the free flow of money like there was in the past on the internet. There seems to be something that's holding people back. There doesn't seem to be enough commerce in the world of Bitcoin. There needs to be more buying and selling. You can't just have people investing in the currency and doing nothing with it. If people were spending them, there would be more sites focusing only on Bitcoin customers.
I want people to understand I'm not saying anything bad about Bitcoin. The idea of it is fantastic. Anyone that has ever done business online knows just how valuable something like this has the potential to be. But, it seems quite a ways off from what it could potentially be.
lastly it is foolish to have a bricks and mortar business that has dozens of employee's that only accepts bitcoins. purely because in some towns there may be only 1 or 2 customers that use bitcoin. thus unsustainable to limit themselves to ONLY bitcoin.
what you have to truly realise is that there are over 100,000 businesses in the world accepting bitcoin in some form alongside FIAT. not 10, not 5 not just a dozen.. but over 100,000..... i was going to name more above but i got lazy when i wrote the 5th example store and thought it easier to just tell you there are 100,000 instead of listing them all.
as for the idea that getting people to spend bitcoin will increase merchant adoption. im sorry but if you have a grocery store in your town that you want to be bitcoin accepting.. spending your bitcoins on alpaca socks or computer parts wont convince your local grocer. YOU need to have a conversation with that local grocer, as thats more effective than spending your bitcoin elsewhere. after all there is no subscription fee's or large % fee per tx, so there is no loss to the business. even if he has just 1 customer a week (you) the grocer can still make the same profit.
when you add up all the employee's working at ASIC manufacturers, exchanges, bitcoinstores etc. then add on the sole traders and contractors, and add on the web designers and graphic designers, translators, advertisers, payment gateways, you will see that there are multiple thousands of people that work and get paid bitcoin.
lastly. please tell me what skills you have and i could probably think up a couple of examples of jobs you can do that pay you in bitcoin. so stop thinking the only way to get bitcoin is from mining ("bitcoin is only for the rich") or faucet raiding ("bitcoin is for the poor").
annd if you cant find an employer that pays in bitcoins, become your own employer