As I say the guy shows half truths and lies to give the impression that we are in a system that is very different from what he wants, but appart from not allowing the banks to perform fractional reserve, the monetary part is right now how he wants it.
I just finished to watch this long movie. I will repeat what the movie explains, lets debate if that is actually true.
The movie not only wants to
end fractional reserve banking as
hugolp explains, but also
end the creation of money out of debt. The movie explains that governments can't create dollars directly. Instead, due to a convoluted process involving several institutions, money is created when banks lend money to the public, and at the same time goverments have to pay interests to the bankers on all money created, except the small fraction of physical money (coins).
The movie explains that the money being created out of debt means bankers receive the interest fees on all money in circulation, and that is in effect a constant transfer of wealth from the general population to the bankers. Also, banks can control the amount of money in circulation (expanding or shrinking the supply) by giving more loans or restraining from giving loans. This makes the bankers incredibly powerfull to the point of being able to control governments, and societies. Governments are servant to bankers, instead of being servants to the public.
the movie's solution has 3 escencial parts: (1) end fracional reserve banking, (2) let governments issue money (dollars) directly without debt, and (3) not let the money supply be backed by gold.
This last point the movie makes is in opposition to all the gold and silver fans (which I condidered myself part of). The reason he gives makes sense, to be honest, although I am not totally convinved for several reasons. The movie says that if money is restrained to be backed by gold, those persons / countries that own the gold, own the money, which is quite true frankly. The movie argues that for a government, giving away the power to create its own money is giving away its sovereinty.