Trading is not so difficult as it was told. But the difficult part in trading is when to enter the market and when to Close the market.
If any one can do it or know it when we should start or close then it will be very easy task for earning money. It is very difficult task to find where need to start or close. If you are a good learner then it would be more easier for your to find turning point.
Everything needs a process and the more we have a lot of experience then it will make us better too,
it's not that easy of course to be able to know when is the right time to start and close,
The most important thing is to keep learning and don't get bored easily
It is true that there is no success in trading that we can get instantly, everything requires a long process. So we really have to be patient if we want
to be a successful trader, so we will experience some losses first. Then the bad experiences we have will make us understand how to trade well.
Because we definitely learn to correct every mistake we make when trading. The most important thing is that we never give up and keep learning
until we really understand when is the right time to start and close trading. Then don't rely too much on trading signals from other people,
it only makes us lose, and ultimately makes us dependent on others. Even though successful traders must be able to do their own analysis,
because only we ourselves actually understand what is best for us to do when trading.