I am not saying that the taxpayers oligarchy is foolproof. But the greatest political power will be with the highest taxpayers and that is a good thing, those who provide the money that the governments works with. The taxpayers ar bthe honest rich. We want to encourage the honest rich and discourage the dishonest rich.
But the greatest political power will be with the highest taxpayers and that is a good thing, those who provide the money that the governments works with.
How is this different from today? If you take away 'taxpayers' and put in 'donations'. It putting the power of control over the many in the hands of the few (elite) that have the money.
How would you filter the honest rich with the dishonest rich? If both pay high taxes, then both have high influence. Many (honest) people have been fooled by the dishonest rich who have used their subterfuge to design policy and law to best benefit themselves whilst at the same time submitting the rest to a slow but steady dis empowerment.
And unfortunately considering with how our world is, if such a strategy was put in play, straight away the corrupt rich would hold all the playing cards with only a very few honest rich holding a very few cards (Richard Branson for instance).
If I were very rich and so inclined, I'd pay my high taxes, then use my political power to undermine all my opponents and get policy and law to favour my businesses, forcing out all other competition so I have the monopoly on my particular business, then I would proceed to make sure that government and the society I lived in relied 110% on my particular business and that no other competition could ever gain ground. Then my wealth and power grows, it won't matter on the taxes I paid anymore, as government and society would not be able to run without my business and I could control vast influence by changing my prices up/down to those I favoured, thus controlling other business elements and politicians.
My thoughts on this are most definitely not original .. look at big pharma (vs natural medicine) the 'drug war' , the oil and energy industries (vs free energy) .. Competition is made illegal, competitors killed or locked up.
I'd still be paying my high taxes, and as my wealth and power grew I'd continue to pay even higher taxes to assure my dominance. The difference being from this scenario to our world is that in the 'tax scenario' I would be completely legit.
It's a very scary thought..