There is a thin line between being contented and living below your potential, this is what I have come to notice with some people around me who should be doing better financially than they are but because they claim to be contended they have refused to do more. How can you explain financial contentment to someone successful and what do you think it is?
There is a lot a thin line between wasting time and patience. How can we know that we are not wasting our time doing a business?
There are certain things with which one can be content. When you talk about material things, one actually needs to be content with what he or she has acquired in life, especially when what the person has acquired is equal to his or her financial status.
But in cases of being content with finance and wealth, there is also a level to which one should acquire his desired wealth and can boldly say that they are content with what they have actually acquired. For people like that, all they desire in life is to live a comfortable life, be able to take care of all the family's needs, have a home of their own, have private cars, and have other essential things that a family will need for them to be happy. All they need is to keep their business going and make sure that there is a steady flow of income, which will make sure that there is a steady flow of income, which will make the family not to lack in their life again. People like that are okay, and I don't think there is any point in advising them to go further than that when that's all they ever want for themselves. I also don't consider that being lazy; it's a way of telling nature that you are okay with what you have.
On the other hand, we humans always have that desire to have more; when we acquire a new position in life today, we will want a higher one tomorrow. Our fashion house of 10 years ago is now outdated and, as such, will need renovation, cars, etc. These are things that motivate people to not just be stable at a particular financial income but to keep on hustling to climb higher and achieve more things in life. Some people call it greed, but it's not greed; it's just the world we find ourselves in. A world where even the richest person is not satisfied by the level of wealth that he or she has acquired. So long as we keep on living, we should also keep on making money..