bitconnect is not bitcoin. and bitcoin is not bitconnect.
one is code, the other is a business. they are completely different things
now prove me wrong, lol
i personally pay my bills. buy groceries and many things with bitcoin. i have not had any FIAT worries since 2012
the problem is not bitcoin.
the problem is that people think bitcoin:
is some AI that:
self codes and self evolves
will visit your local grocery store and set itself up with your local shop
that is not reliant on devs to evolve.
needs to process every transaction(fud:"gigabytes by midnight") or no transactions(fud:"medium of exchange failed")).
they feel if it cant be used to buy a google ad at 0.001cent.
that bitcoin needs to be pushed to cost people $0.10-$10 and then use a different network for everything.
i personally can but coffee with bitcoin (yes people will be shocked) and no i dont need LN to do it.
and no its not due to temporary low fees allowing it.
bitcoin will not mow your lawn for you. YOU need to phone a gardener. and ASK the gardener if they will accept bitcoin
bitcoin will not buy your groceries for you. YOU need to go to your grocery store and ASK the store if they will accept bitcoin
bitcoin will not teach you about itself. YOU need to do the research and YOU need to help others to learn about it
and a big tip for many.
when you have learned a little. do not go around with fluffy cloud unicorns of over prmised over promoted things to think it will entice more people into using it. do not oversell the purpose of bitcoin. be free and liberated to also admit its flaws.
firstly it allows people to know what its really about. and if they do get into it they know they will get what they expect.
no hope no trust needed. it just does what it does.
too many go for the over optimistic hope of fluffy cloud future, which ends up frustrating more people than those who are
open to mention the critical issues.
mentioning the critical issues is good. because outside the echo chambers o fluffy clouds. may be an outsider that can see
a solution that the echochamber has ignored, not thought of. because the echo chamber is too stuck following a single path roadmap to fluffy cloud land