
Topic: ▒▒▒ - up to 50 Satoshi Every 5 Seconds ▒▒▒ - page 2. (Read 1420 times)

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 122
What somebody want to try this obvious scam faucets, guys you only waste your time in this faucet even in other faucet it is not recommended method to make income in crypto world. Much better to focus on posting in this forum to ranked up your account and join in signature campaign but you need to post more constructive and make gives learning to other users about crypto currency.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Why is everyone bashing this faucet so hard?

Yes, the payout threshold is currently higher than most other faucets and people probably won't be getting any payments soon. But starting a faucet in 2018 is far from easy considering some have been around for 5+ years, and no-one will ever receive payments if a faucet tries to pay out more than it's earning, especially if it's new; just give it time. Even using the minimum of 50 claims/day, that's still roughly 1350 satoshis each day, which is about the most that can be earned from the other main faucets such as Moonbitcoin, Bonus Bitcoin etc. - with maxed out referrals and 500 claims/day, you're earning about 10x as much as the other faucets. And that's not even considering the fact that every 3 months, someone gets an entire Bitcoin just for being on the site.

There's plenty of places you can go to if you're too impatient and want some satoshis right now, but otherwise, give the owner a break. They're making the effort to run and maintain a faucet, so they deserve credit for that at the very least.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
I have begun to think that you have deceived people.
you do not have proof of payment is impossible to reach the minimum limit.
limit must be 0.00150000
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
my thoughts on the faucet:

- to high minimum withdraw, as some other members already stated you can use faucethub to minimize drastically the min. payout

- random maximum claim price (50 satoshis), should depend on the bitcoinprice (like on and not be fixed.

- the fact that you can only earn claims with refereals leaves me wondering..

- site design is solid, relaxing that only after every 10 claims you get the captcha.

question to you:

since you choosed such a high minimum withdraw and you are fully aware of the fact that people will not reach before ca. 400 days that withdraw, who tells us you wont just run with the income from the advertisement when you have enough and have never paid out anyone...?

so long,

Rocket Racoon

full member
Activity: 453
Merit: 100
Only a planned scam faucet will require such a huge withdrawal threshold.
What do you guys think when the owner received payment from ad networks? Keep it and wait for your turn for payout? Don't be silly this will never happen.
Look at the last active of owner btalk account, 6 Jan.
Pity to those inexperienced newbies to fall into such scam faucet.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
500k is not so much.
I got 500 claims at the 1st day with only 2 referrals.
so i will got 500k in about 40 days.

the main question is how admin would be able to pay??

so i think it's a scam!
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
I worked for a few days, today I missed all the sathoshi, returned to 0, I certainly will not work more. Obviously spam is for me. And there is no contact so I can ask them what is happening, I did not break any of their rules. I am deeply angry. Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry
full member
Activity: 225
Merit: 104
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Faucet is very good (capcha) but minimum to withdrawal is too high (500k satoshi) I think that admin change soon Cheesy
Activity: 114
Merit: 0
500 000 минимaлкa??? Aдмин вы в cвoeм yмe ? Ecли вы чecтнo coбиpaeтecь плaтить, тo cдeлaйтe кpaн oбычным бeз нaкoплeния минимaлки. Я пoнимaю чтo тaм тpaнзaкции, кoмиccии и  и вce тaкoe, пoэтoмy пpeдлaгaю coтpyдничaть c faucethub и вce нaчиcлeния бyдyт идти чepeз нeгo. A инaчe вpяд ди ктo cepьeзнoбyдeт oтнocитcя к вaшeмy кpaнy вeд нa нeм минимaлкy coбиpaть этo пoтpaтить бoлee 200 днeй. BЫ бы caми нaчaли этим зaнимaтьcя aдмин? He дyмaю чтo вы oтвeтитe пoлoжитeльнo.

Этoт кpaн вeчнo cпaмят в кoмeнтax пoд мoими видeo, бeдныe люди caми клюнyли и тeпepь дyмaют peфepaлы им пoмoгyт быcтpo дoбpaтьcя дo минимaлки. Ho вы yчитывaйтe чтo и peфepaлы тoжe нe бyдyт зa кoпeйки тpaтить cвoe вpeмя нa этoм и пoдoбныx кpaнax. A тaк peфepaлoм cтaть нe пpoблeмa, был бы выxлoп.

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Please make minimum payout smaller. You can do this by making the payouts FaucetHub. I recommend 20,000 satoshi minimum payout.
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
make at least 50,000 satoshi. When will we make 0.05 BTC? and in the end you will not pay for it you did 0.05 for the texture. you earn from the ads you put on the site
jr. member
Activity: 110
Merit: 5
Happy new year everyone,
I'm here as a new account member representing a new faucet.
I hope you'll enjoy it and support us to keep it alive as much as we can.

Our main aim is a huge member base, as long as there are a lot of members, there will be more profit, which leads to the faucet longevity and stability.
So, by making the rewards "relatively" low, you'll have to get more claims by inviting new members, the more referrals you have the more claims you can perform.
there is a time frame between every claim, reduce that timer by getting a certain number of referrals.
you will be able to claim every 5 Seconds once you have +1000 Referrals (very convenient for marketers and leaders).
the claims vary randomly between 5 and 50 satoshi.
the chance is to get 50 is 2.22%, the chance to get 5 is 2.22%, every reward chance is 2.22%, you can't really complain about that :p

Other Details
Captcha :
Google ReCaptcha : You'll have to solve the captcha every 50 claims, just a small measure against bot users, we know that there are some regions are having problems with reCaptcha, but please make do with the current setup.

Payments : (currently disabled)
minimum 0.005BTC paid weekly, let's see how things will work and then we will reduce/increase the minimum depending onthe revenue.

AdNetworks :
POPAds : pop ups ad network pays in $
(We will partner with bitcoin adnetworks as soon as we get a decent Alexa ranking, refer us to some good ones that accept faucets)
(contact us via the ad email to get you ad placed in a good ad spot)

Website Link :

Supprt & advertising Emails :
[email protected] (for support/features request/bug reporting)
[email protected] (for adverting inquiries)

See you Smiley

looking with keen interest
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
Чтo Фopyм пoтиxoнькy в peклaмный пepexoдит?
full member
Activity: 453
Merit: 100
Pretty sure this faucet is not going to pay.

Reason: Withdrawal threshold is way too high. It might take 6-12 months to accumulate that amount even if you actively claiming. What about after 6 month the bitcoin price goes up by 200% or more? It means the owner need to spend 2, 3, 4 or could be 5 times of current bitcoin price to pay the users. The owner is obviously running the faucet at a lost if he really gonna pay the users. Tell me who would ever do this?
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
I would seriously recommend to the owner of this Faucet to make payments through FaucetHub, then he will not have to bother with such large sums that are not real for the average Satosh assembler, namely such people make the overwhelming majority on any Faucet, the reflowers most often do not exceed 20-25% of the total. Then everyone will be happy, as you will be able to make payments from 300 satoshi to FaucetHub, and this will only increase your rating among the huge number of any Faucet, and therefore will increase the flow of people to your site even more, and from this you will win first of all you are the owner of the site.
Do not repeat the mistakes of the already infamous Faucet 1Katoshi, which very sharply gained popularity with its accruals per click, and then all people threw at the amounts that they already managed to earn.
Now they have made the right decision, they pay from 300 Satoshi to FaucetHub, and from 500 satoshi to the wallet, but before they came to this step, they lost more than half of their users and their rating fell very much, and despite the fact that now they are steadily paying, they still get a bad name as SKAM!
Therefore, do not repeat the mistakes of others. It's not for nothing that they say that smart people learn from other people's mistakes, and fools on their mistakes!

For my part, I want to wish the owner of the site wisdom, and as a consequence, great earnings.

Я бы нa пoлнoм cepьёзe пopeкoмeндoвaл влaдeльцy этoгo Faucet пpoвoдить выплaты чepeз FaucetHub, тoгдa eмy нe нyжнo бyдeт зaмopaчивaтьcя c тaкими кpyпными cyммaми кoтopыe нe peaльны для cpeднecтaтиcтичecкoгo cбopщикa caтoши, a имeннo тaкиe люди и cocтaвляют пoдaвляющee бoльшинcтвo нa любoм Faucet, peфoвoды жe чaщe вceгo нe пpeвышaют 20- 25% oт oбщeгo чиcлa. Toгдa вce бyдyт дoвoльны, тaк кaк вы cмoжeтe пpoвoдить выплaты oт 300 caтoши нa FaucetHub, a этo тoлькo eщe бoльшe yвeличит вaш peйтинг cpeди oгpoмнoгo чиcлa вcякиx Faucet, a знaчит и yвeличит eщe бoльшe пpитoк людeй нa вaш caйт, и oт этoгo выигpaeтe в пepвyю oчepeдь вы - влaдeлeц caйтa.
He пoвтopяйтe oшибoк yжe пeчaльнo извecтнoгo Faucet 1Katoshi, кoтopый oчeнь peзкo нaбpaл пoпyляpнocть cвoими нaчиcлeниями зa клик, a пoтoм вcex людeй кинyл нa тe cyммы кoтopыe oни yжe ycпeли зapaбoтaть.
Ceйчac oни cдeлaли пpaвильнoe peшeниe, выплaчивaют oт 300 caтoши нa FaucetHub, и oт 500 caтoши нa кoшeлeк, нo пepeд тeм кaк oни пpишли к этoмy шaгy, oни пoтepяли бoльшe пoлoвины cвoиx пoльзoвaтeлeй и иx peйтинг oчeнь cильнo yпaл, и нe cмoтpя нa тo, чтo ceйчac oни cтaбильнo плaтят, o ниx вcё paвнo идeт дypнaя cлaвa кaк CКAM !
Пoэтoмy, нe пoвтopяйтe чyжиx oшибoк. Beдь нe зpя жe гoвopят, чтo yмныe люди yчaтcя нa чyжиx oшибкax, a дypaки нa cвoиx oшибкax !

Co cвoeй cтopoны xoчy пoжeлaть влaдeльцy caйтa мyдpocти, и кaк cлeдcтвиe этoгo, бoльшиx зapaбoткoв.
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
De inicio el sitio ya es SCAM.

1- Pagos altos y deshabilitados
2- "Hasta 50 satoshis cada 5 segundos" - Son 60 segundos
3- Da 1 satoshi por cada reclamo que hace una referencia.

Sin contar con lo arrogante que es el dueño de este sitio la verdad una perdida de tiempo y malgastar la relación de los referidos con referencias a este sitio, sin contar con lo que va a ganar de publicidad y va a desaparecer como por arte de magia.
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
Another CRAP/SHIT Faucet that accumulates and probably/will disappear as FAST as it appeared...

the faucet is just 4 days old, and your reply shows how little and rounded your thinking is !!
let me be clear here : i don't need pessimistic members like you in my faucet.
if you don't like what you see, please go somewhere else !

2 Things YOU GOT RIGHT so far...See you & if you don't like leave. you're 100% RIGHT there CLOWN.

Here's the 3rd RIGHT thing i'd say only for you : please go get a life Smiley
You're 58 yrs old (not sure if that's your real age) and you're still messing around and using vulgar language, not only here but all of your posts and replies !
You may be 58 but i bet you're just an elementary school impolite little bad boy.

Well, if you want a serious reply as a mature human being here it is :
Using the name "The Best Bitcoin Faucet" doesn't necessary mean we are "The Best Bitcoin Faucet".
The name of any business plays a huge role in the marketing field and leaves a good impression and impact of the overall business, therefore more users database and usage.

Activity: 102
Merit: 10
Another CRAP/SHIT Faucet that accumulates and probably/will disappear as FAST as it appeared...

the faucet is just 4 days old, and your reply shows how little and rounded your thinking is !!
let me be clear here : i don't need pessimistic members like you in my faucet.
if you don't like what you see, please go somewhere else !

2 Things YOU GOT RIGHT so far...See you & if you don't like leave. you're 100% RIGHT there CLOWN.
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