As telegram is much more secure than any other Social media that's why there are a lot of Scammers than any other platform. And I think that sucks. And these are the people in which new People don't believe in crypto and we have to change it.
I have blocked almost 100+ Scammers and there are more people coming and everyone has their own strategy to Scam with us. Is this happened to you or only me.
Concerning the Topic, are you referring to Telegram or the Internet in general or both? I don't know much about Telegram in regards to that, but I'm aware the Internet actually has alot of scammers... this should not be so if things are well built and transparent for people to be held accountable for immoral/criminal activities on the Internet. In regards to Telegram in particular, if you build a platform that encourages scamming then you could be responsible for scams especially if you don't do much to stop them. The platform has to be built in such a way that discourages scammers.
By the way, the scamming issues is actually making things difficult for legitimate businesses, and I think part of the reasons for this is to craftily/foolishly make everyone who works independently to look like scammer. I believe this is part of the war against businesses/individuals that don't depend on the system. A scam is likely to be accepted as legitimate if the scammer is dependent on the system. And scams are typically unproven claims that are exaggerated, false, lies or harmful in order to get people to believe, obey/use or pay for them. A scammer for example could tell you that a vaccine or drug is safe whereas it's not... Or that the Earth is shaped like a ball to get you to accept the lies & power up their evil system whereas the earth is only a Circular Plane surface (Planet) in something thick that looks like a bubble. But alot of people believe the scammers who tell this lie that the earth is shaped like a ball.
To be honest, I'm not sure if i have been scammed in Crypto space by individual scammers, especially for money, even though I once in a while encounter them... I tend to make sure claims are true before patronizing people. . And there has to be ways to hold people accountable if their claims are proven to be false. So, I'd make sure there are ways to identify them and get them punished when their claims are proven to be false