OP: when you discover warm water ...
The Cash tables have been tough in the past in the present ... and tomorrow is another day to play.
So, it is there the really important thing, having the desire to return but the best thing is always to get bankroll to start.
There are still sites in Fiat that allow fish trackers on the tables and tell you where to go, or using programs that will make the decision, this is the norm of + NLH100...
I don't know but of a moment to another, I lost the will in my game (cash tables) and without realizing it I started with sit & go and then MTT, then came black friday and it helped me go from regular to recreational. I almost went from playing a lot to not playing at all.-
That is my advice, when you criticize your gaming environment and do not accept to adapt, it is best to leave the tables for a while, even months, that first shows you that you are in control of your emotional decisions, because the problem is not that the poker in its current version of cash tables (your opinion) does not leave consistent money, the real problem is ... that thinking that way you can not send poker to shit for a while.
Everyone who really "loves" to play poker comes back, I recommend that you seek advice but not psychological I do not know how crazy you are and I am not a psychologist to evaluate you, that is your problem, but on the player side, and based on what You write, so, you may to send your game history to third parties and they will analyze it.
There are sites or players that do it for a low cost, some even do it for free, but if you play levels where you want to win 10bb / 100 there are even well-known professionals, you have to invest time not only in the game, but in studying the game and studying our game, but looking for a third party is excellent, better than the statistics of any support program for playing poker.
Check (o Fold)
-Thanks for bringing up a poker topic.
-10bb / 100 is honestly beastly, maybe you can be regular player with that level at nlh 1000 +> but for the number of few hands that are played at that level..
-Infected is derogatory,
-Please, it was difficult to read you OP, separate the paragraphs.
-The 100% crypto poker world waits for those infected.