Ironically, doing nothing this year could be a great prank also
He wont get away that easy
He could do some prank with connection to COVID-19 virus. Remember how he announced, that
KYC is now required to join forum? He could ask to upload photo of you "washing hands", so you wont get infected by COVID-19 while posting on the forum. Or upload a signed confirmation that you and your family recently haven't visited most-affected countries, so that the virus wont sneak to the forum and infect its
2766137 members.
I suggested members have to hold down their spacebar whilst they blow into the microphone to prove they don't have corona before they can't proceed.
Ironically, doing nothing this year could be a great prank also
He wont get away that easy
He could do some prank with connection to COVID-19 virus.
That would be in very bad taste.
Boo-hoo. I'm sure the transgenders and gender-fluid idiots would have thought being able to choose your gender as an attack helicopter last year was in bad taste but I bet you wouldn't have complained about that.
You guys made me feel ashamed...
I was not intend to make laugh of COVID-19... Maybe "prank" was the wrong word to use...My idea was - the whole World if crazy about COVID-19, so why not "use" it on April 1 ? Once again, my intention was not to make fun of it, but, may be, to remind why it is important to wash hands and or to observe simple hygiene rules (that is why I wrote "ask to upload photo of washing hands").
Don't know now...I'd better delete that post...
Pay no attention to the buzzkills above. PC culture is killing comedy. If there's one thing we should be joking about right now it
is the coronavirus.