WOW yes it has ok volume and is traded up/down like EVERY OTHER coin?! So?? That's all that chart shows. That's all it is, a tradeable coin!
Tell me how it's being useful or will BECOME useless and/or used? Nobody or no company wants to bother with it real world.
Well a guy who actually cares about true anonymity uses it (Peter Todd), can't find him tweeting about any of the coins in your post history--I wonder why that is? Oh yeah, and this dude has an XMR address on his profile page Though I can't find any other but BTC. Wonder why that is?
A guy who calls himself trueanon should know more about anonymity (and certainly which coins are best at it) instead of pimping a bunch of coins that have nothing to do with anonymity or do it very, very badly. Now step off and get out of the way, little man. Or maybe try or shapeshift and upgrade yourself to theformerposertrueanonwhonowatleastknowshowtoimprovehisanonymitybutprobablyneed storeadafewbooksbeforehegraspshowitworks.