I would not trust suchmoon at all.
1. she observably "red trusts" persons for "supporting" a "possible" scam.
2. she then adds to her trust inclusions "proven" liars, proven trust abusers, proven sneaky racist trolling sig spamming puppet accounts and "possible" extortionists.
3. she excludes person who point out these untrustworthy persons past deeds and also attacks them in public.
4. she is a caustic bully and front man for liars and other untrustworthy scum.
5. she is NOT an excellent member at all unless those things make you excellent
she has observable double standards and is a caustic piece of shit to deal with. People accuse me of being caustic but if you retrace my history here in "merit board" i started off very civil and diplomatic but she is simply a total asshole to deal with and only responds to being treated as the sneaky bullying snitchy skank that she is.
Same for her colluding ass kissing "gang" which laughably they claim does not exist when anyone can see clearly they all slather each other in cycled merits, all included each other and many of them collude to exclude the same people and bunch together in any thread where one of them is called out for the shit they pull.
Trying to create a decentralised control system on an anonymous forum that crushes scammers and leaves free speech untouched and a board happy with the "decentralised" governance is likely IMPOSSIBLE.
I mean even trying it risky but starting it off with people that are already proven to collude and also be VERY untrustworthy and quite likely to be scammers themselves is pure folly.
My opinion is that Theymos is overall GOOD but is willing to let some people get roughed up a bit by these goons. I speculate that he takes a machine like approach to making this board the environment crypto needs.
He notices these scumbags also happen to be very willing to spend hours trawling the board looking for "other scammers" to legitimize their claims to "power" (which is reward enough for most of them to motivate their efforts) and to justify any "net negative" actions they take.
So he is thinking well let them help regulate the scammers and cheats here (although mostly it is whack a mole) and if there is a bit of collateral damage here then tough shit for now on those that get "unfairly" treated to a scam tag for standing up to their high handed double standards crap.
I mean in fairness to Theymos he just said scam tags are for scammers and for those strongly related to scamming. Guess what though the scumbags here don't give 1 fuck what he says because so far he is very slow to bring any actions at all to those that do not follow his guidelines. He is too relaxed. I mean THE SAME group implicated in an EXTORTION scheme suddenly act as a GROUP again to red trust someone who brings suggests persons examine their past history here to discover what they are really like. This is the OPPOSITE of what red trust is for. You cant have liars giving red trust to honest persons. That is fucking madness.
Also I think he has some kind of other highly paid job and probably does not research too deeply things that some of us that are anal about the forum are wise too. So he may not realised just how scummy and dirty the pasts of some of these merit sources and DT are.
To me anyone that says suchmoon is an "excellent" member needs to review her entire history here. She has always been a caustic little bully (or tries to be) and even now her "net positive" is far less than I believe he has miscalculated.
An excellent memeber should be
4.sticks up for the weakest
5.fights bullies
6.pushes for equality
7.puts the good of the forum before their own selfish personal financial gain.
Hanging only in meta can give a very distorted view of this board and the members on it. I have been a part of many many many communities and also spent many hours studying persons here and I say a lot of the best have left and most are now not posting much. What you are left with here in meta is a concentration of nobodies and big old nothing burgers. Most have supported scams in the past for financial gain and have a history of bullying people. The rest are a bunch of noobs that are ass kissing these bullies and manipulators and adopting their politics so they can simply be granted access to PAID2POST at the levels their "masters" are.
Also Theymos is too easily coaxed by some others. I mean removing "politically motivated" merits was a terrible and unjust move the really does support your argument that he favours these scummy little dishonest bullying shits a bit too much. Most of their merit is politically motivated. I mean people like foxpoop and suchmoron seem to have endless merit to sprinkle to anyone that backs up their political agenda here.
Merit is the main issue here. Suchmoon seems determined to to enforce this broken nonsense and tell everyone that it is given to the "greatest posters" and most valuable who are therefore for some reason the most trustworthy??
However, then debunked her own argument by telling me " Good Poster or Bad Poster are MEANINGLESS terms without criteria and definition. So this MEANINGLESS nonsense is now the key to running the board and crushing free speech.
1. tighten the systems of control so they are transparent and treat every person fairly and equally
a/ mandate for merit and trust with strict criteria and punishment for breaking it
2. get rid of this notion of decentralised systems and just go back to a THEYMOS elected DT and do not give merit any use except for stopping account farmers. That is all it is useful for at this point and it should be decoupled from rank after snr rank. I mean after taking all this hassle to reach snr then if you start spamming and abusing it will be a big risk to have it banned or all of your merits deleted.
I am not so ungrateful for the things this board has given me and what has started here to say anything really negative about theymos, but really he does need to investigate much more deeply into the pasts of the people his systems are enabling to grab power here. Also the implications of such abused systems for the future free speech of this board. They clearly motivate an echo chamber and punish dissenting views. There can be no sensible argument against this."
It is possible he has worked out the "long" game here where these systems will eventually start to show some kind of self regulating however I do not see it unless you make 100's of new merit sources totally disconnected from the "meta gang" and soon. The 250 cycled merits threshold and those infesting the key positions to me say the system could not have had a worse start.
I am still very hopeful about the forum long term. I just think we need a bit of a wake up call before the entrenchment of bad eggs gets a little too deep and unassailable.
Merit was useful but now we are trying to build skyscrapers upon foundations that were originally developed for mud huts. Stick to using it for keeping away account farmers only and cut it off after snr. There is little meaning to it so let's not fool ourselves it is some kind of objective metric with universal meaning including being trustworthy. It is ludicrous.
That thread where loads of you excluded trustworthy members to try & manipulate DT1 was untrustworthy too.
Not true. Ridding the system of proven liars and other untrustworthy scum is not untrustworthy in itself. That is simply not true.
Actually a decentralised system requires exactly this type of action to keep things in check. To immediately remove their merits and take away one merit source who actually stands out from "the gang" is an act to crush any real attempt at decentralisation. Suchmoons suggestion I note. More snitching from that turd. Always all coaxing and servile when addressing Theymos I notice what a little snake.
TLDR - Theymos is likely trying to do good -- but he needs to realise starting off a decentralised experiment with proven untrustworthy scum entrenched deep inside the trust system and fully weaponized with more ammunition (merits) to hold off their opposition and other honest members who speak out against them is a DREADFUL start. The systems are wide open to abuse, provide incentive and motivation for abusing.
I worry more about general free speech here in future.