IF you (theymos), or anybody else on this forum, can find one (ONLY 1) instance of the HONEST Leroy Fodor definitively proving that he was involved with Bitcoin in any capacity in 2009 like he continues to this day claims he has in this thread:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/leroy-fodor-has-gone-full-delusional-stakeminers-confirmed-100sic-insolvent-990219Was it that jonald_fyookball who gave you red trust that threatened you?
I'm not sure if he really has read through the reference text since you answered a lot of the accusations already.
No it was bruno himself who tried to extort me, right in that thread he did it publicly, which is why I am just letting Bruno ramble on and why he got all the negative feedback from me. I have had others tell me of Bruno's antics and how he makes a living on here. they told me its not the first time he has extorted someone. That fyookball dude just runs around and gives people negative trust for no reason I think. Or maybe Bruno asked him to do it, who knows, but you can tell from all his trust he has handed out, he runs around the forum , usually does not have any trade or affiliation with the victims he places trust on and just gives out red trust like candy.
The thread is 40 pages long, anything and everything I have disproved has long been buried in trolled posts by Bruno, thats how bruno works, you disprove him he just buries it with 20 to 30 posts of his own. You notice he avoids questions like in your research of Leroy back to 1990 in all the businesses you have talked about here, did you ever see where he stole from anyone, how about where he lied to his investors, or did not hold up his end of a promise or business deal he made. he wont answer those because the answer is NO, he cant find it and wont find it because it never has happened.
And I didnt really need to disprove much, he did that on his own when he posted testimonials of a business I owned where i was entrusted with Millions of dollars in assets and where those clients dealt with me face to face, not just thru a website.
I am not worried about his thread, the red trust dealt to me, nor the favoritism shown to him by the MODS here. I am certainly not paying him to stop being an unethical unprofessional person. He is such a swindler he even told me to steal the funds from the StakeMiners investors to pay him.
Bruno just does not like me, not sure why, he just doesnt, his only wish is that i leave crypto even if that means a great project like StakeMiners goes with me, so what does that really say about Bruno and his friends. They dont care about potential investors, they dont care about good services in crypto, they just want to be the bosses of the place, if he cant be involved and making money at it, then no one can. After looking thru his stuff, he has had so many failed projects because bruno still has the mindset of 2010, I can get in get rich and get out in about a week, well thats not how crypto works anymore, he missed his train, and now he doesnt want to see anyone else progress without having to work their butt off to get there.
Further, please ban me if Leroy Fodor provided any definitive proof that his Sari Sari that burnt down on December 8, 2012, had west-facing solar panels on its hot tin roof used for whatever purpose over and beyond supposedly powering the largest bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines in this thread:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/leroy-fodor-has-gone-full-delusional-stakeminers-confirmed-100sic-insolvent-990219Further, please ban my scammy ass if Leroy Fodor provided an image of trees - any trees - abutting his once Sari Sari on its south side as close as the trees are to said structure on its east, west and north sides, as shown in the picture below the quote by Leroy in this thread:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/leroy-fodor-has-gone-full-delusional-stakeminers-confirmed-100sic-insolvent-990219Bruno what is your point about the west facing roof.
The building was built for water runoff not for solar power. and no matter if it was the way the roof ended up being was the best place for the solar panels anyways. please get on your google earth again, and notice the HUGE OPEN FIELD to the ...wait for it....WAIT FOR IT.... TO THE WEST, yes open field to the West of the building.
See the north and the south? Mango trees, coconut trees, Bamboo trees, also right in front of the building coconut trees. Why would anyone in their right mind face the panel south on the roof that was shaded by huge mango trees? Have you been here bruno, did you see the building first hand, did you touch it, Ok then how can you possibly know what is the best for that area, because you read it from some professor in manila i a college and no trees around for hundreds of kilometers. I mean how often do we listen and do exactly as an expert advises? I did what was best for our area and our building, I did not need to call the guy in Manila and ask his advice or his permission, i did what the sun and my roof provided. I know you dont like it, and I am sure that everything in your house is exactly how the professors at MIT would expect to see, But I am not you.
Can i ask you a question Bruno? Is there a reason you like burying my posts when I disprove yours or anyone elses accusations. Now thats not fair is it, You certainly want everyone to see what you are saying. so when you get the proof and you see your wrong, dont bury the answer so they cant find it, thats just unethical man, play fair or do not play at all sir.
thats not very nice at all.
Front of building (as shown): East (see the coconut trees?)
Back of the building: West (direction rot tin roof slants) (see the trees behind the building?)
To the right: North (see more trees?)
To the left: South (notice the absence of trees, just a grassy field?)
Q.E.D.: Any person on this forum who doesn't know north from south shouldn't be holding other people's moneys in some unlicensed investment scheme.Also, theymos, please ban my scammy ass from this forum if anybody can show me where Leroy Fodor provided proof that he earned a business degree from Ohio University in this thread:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/leroy-fodor-has-gone-full-delusional-stakeminers-confirmed-100sic-insolvent-990219And, finally, please ban my scammy ass if anybody can provide definitive proof that I'm paid by anybody to post whatever on this forum. To be clear, I'm on record, and reiterating now, that nobody has ever paid me a single satoshi or more to post on this or any other forum on the entire Internet.
There you go, Leroy Fodor, I'm putting my very existence on this forum on the line. ALL you have to do is provide
ANY of the above to theymos, and I'm outta here to longer interfere with your venerable StakeMiners Ponzi.