VER vs Bitcointalk cencorship = Ver very well may have a point right now. We still have very good standards of free speech here over many aspects but if you question the observable actions of some DTs or moderator members you may find your posts vanishing, and you may find one liner insults that are groundless being merited by moderators. Let's fix this so people can not criticize this great forum and substantiate their claims with observable instances.
Compared to VerForum
Bitcointalk is a paradise.
There you can't even write inside post...
If you don't believe me then try it yourself
VerForum is like Phantom Zone
from Superman universe
As we said this place is great until you want to bring up some observable instances of financially motivated wrong doing by DT members. Try that and see if you get away with out a ton of scam tags screaming you are a defamer and scammer. You say you can't give me a scam tag for presenting FACTS in the history that anyone can verify
this is from a confirmed and documented auction scammer who supports a proven scammer who was caught red handed denying the project he held bags of tokens for was premined/instamined and he knew this because he was on the POW launch. It is accepted and documented FACT that it took place, there is strong case for him extorting people and a shady escrow to his name that many believe was for a small fortune.
You mention any of it and you will get a scam tag and THEYMOS allows this to happen and says if you whistleblow on observable financially high risk DT members - you MAY have a case for saying this is wrong, but now you got angry about being trust abused by proven scammers that means you are CRAZY so therefore there is some mental gymnastics that say although you have been here years, done one trade (successful) and never attempted any others, fought the largest scams and won a 2 000 000 000 USD airdrop compensation offer to the board and made many people rich from presenting your trading advice for which they have been publicly grateful. That even so.. because you got angry the same scammers you fought and defeated to induce a 2 000 000 000 usd compensation offer have BRANDED ALL YOUR THREADS AS ONES STARTED BY A SCAMMER... now you are actually a scammer yourself? errrr okay theymos
What about them the real scammers those with observable instances of financially motivated wrongdoing ? well Theymos says, I will talk to OG and other members and work things out so any scam tags the REAL SCAMMERS have on them can be taken away so there is no more fighting. Fighting is counter productive.
Only because people Theymos is familiar with OG, lauda, Vod and other meta board people were effected did he bring forth the much needed flagging system. Theymos does not care about other members not from meta board in our opinion because he does not hear about it and can get back to watching tv.
You don't have to be dishonest or against free speech yourself when you are running a forum to indirectly allow an environment that crushes free speech. If you want to be warden of this board you need to ensure you are keeping an eye on things like this and not allow a 2 tier system to spring up where rules only apply to "some people".
This is a very important movement taking place and this is the center of it. You don't want a censored ANTI SATOSHI 2tier system springing up at the center. Fair transparent rules FOR ALL MEMBERS. If best efforts are not taking place to ensure this then for sure ROGER VER and anyone else can start saying Theymos is responsible for it since he is the warden of this board. That is why it is VERY IMPORTANT that theymos stamps out any corruption or double standards as soon as he sees them. Not just say oh its a few red marks on their account what's the big deal, or a few deletes here and there. Stop squabbling and being counter productive.
Clear double standard from mod or system controller = Last warning before perm expulsion.
Clear scamming or financial wrong doing from anyone in the trust system = Out and perm ban
no sweeping it under the carper or roger ver can not be denied to having a point, whether theymos is directly or indirectly involved.
We support theymos as a person and believe he is honest and want the best for the forum. FOR SURE WHY WOULD HE NOT
We don't support the "oh it will sort itself out" "oh what you're and auction scammer and observable imbecile - sure DT and merit source for you", " what you have never scammed anyone and have no observable instances of financially motivated wrong doing but scammers gave you a scam tag.... shut up with your boring long winded moaning "
Wake up , Man up and get rid of the censorship on this board in terms of dirty corrupt moderators and scamming untrustworthy DT members and their weak ass supporters....this is all a form of censorship if you allow them to have power to damage other persons accounts and put notices on the top of their threads saying THIS THREAD STARTED IS A SCAMMER.... you are censoring their entire output here and years of their hard work.
Let's get on with it. So people like VER say hey theymos board is censoring me and deleting my posts. We can say NOT TRUE unless you broke the rules that apply to ALL MEMBERS if you stay within the rules your post was 100% NOT DELETED AND NOT CENSORED. We can not say that right now.
You can say what you like with a negative trust score but you will be censored because
1/ people will fear saying or asking certain things (even if they are true) because they don't want red trust
2. People will be also be ignored (just because they spoke the truth) as they have big scam sign on their account. Who bothers to read what they have to say after that is on the top.
This is wrong.
We are STRONG SUPPORTERS OF THEYMOS HIMSELF because he seems to be the best person for this type of movement in that he does not seem greedy or dishonest and does support free speech.
However he is NOT perfect. He needs to man up and get rid of the corrupt and observably financially dangerous scum bags here. They are the censorship because you allowed them (as selfish , greedy and corrupt people do if you don't keep an eye on them) to gain a lot of power and influence here.
Theymos also does not like to debate. Especially if you start demonstrating his initial assumption (based on lack of bothering to examine evidence) is either wrong or certainly not accurate. He just vanishes and that's that.
So theymos 8/10 - ten for intentions being good , but room for implementational improvement for sure.
Ver appears to be more difficult to gage but seems willing to back scams - this we can not support in anyway. Especially when this was made clear and there were threads about those projects some from one of the best scam hunters here Bruno. If he was unaware before that is a possibility.
You don't have to directly censor yourself to be responsible for censorship. That is theymos's current issue. He needs to get on top of it.
Overall we think you can trust theymos on a personal level for sure.
If ver is allowing censorship then he is again open to criticism. Although why you can not mention the domain he owns is confusing. We have not used his forum and do not intend to. This is the prime forum for crypto and should remain so. That is why we need to make it a non hostile environment. We can only do that if if it is provably a fair and open environment where rules are applied equally to all members.