What should you do when you have a lot of money? This is one of the most important questions that we must give an important answer to. No matter how much money a person can earn, it is still possible for everyone to use it up if it is not managed properly. Just like what happened to the king of pop, Michael Jackson, even though he earned a lot of money in his career, it was still not enough because he had a lot of debt. As big as it is, it almost reached 500 million dollars in debt. And even the famous actor Nicholas Cage is also like that; there is a report that he reached 150 million dollars in net income, but it was still not enough; it also reached the point that it was all used up, and he also had a debt. And what we can learn from these events is that if you want to stay rich, you have to keep being humble. "Hard-earned money should be protected."
We are both consumers and producers, and when we say producers, we mean that we provide services to people in exchange for money. As for employees, they receive wages from their work. Because they help the business owner's goal be executed. As for business owners, they make money from their businesses. Because they can help their customers with their products and services. In other words, [The more value you can produce, the more value you will get back."
But the opposite of this is being a consumer. Yes, it's true that we will spend; it's normal because we have needs. There is also nothing wrong if we want to buy or acquire things. But if you always spend money, that's why, in this topic, I want to share here the things that should be done when we have a lot of money or income. Because since we are here with cryptocurrency or bitcoin, it is not really far for this to happen to us. Actually, even if we are not rich or earn a lot, we can do it because at least when the time comes when you become rich because of this cryptocurrency or bitcoin, you already know what to do.
And the following is what we should do:
1. Don't buy expensive things right away.
Most of us want to buy expensive things when we receive a lot of money. Because aside from the convenience and the fact that the fact that we can benefit from it for a long time, we also want to get the attention of other people. We also cannot deny when we can afford something that an ordinary person cannot afford. But sometimes, because we can afford something, we just end up spending it, and we forget to ask ourselves if we really need it. Or we just want to buy it because we want to impress other people. And due to a lack of spending awareness, we become impulse buyers. Until this habit becomes our second nature or the worst, we base our spending on what we want other people to see in us.
But the question is, what is our goal? to get rich to impress, or to get rich to have freedom? When you have a lot of money, you have nothing to prove to other people. Since you know that you are rich, it is a better idea not to let other people know that you are rich. One should just choose the simple life and live with a purpose.
2.Pay your Debt
Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to, talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.
We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.
3. Be prepared for big changes.
When you have a lot of money and you have changed the quality of your life, whether it is poor or rich, you need to be doubly careful because you can lose a lot of things. So it is very good that you are ready for this big change. And the preparation that you should do is the preparation of our new life. Let's design our new goal that we want to achieve, and what lifestyle do you want and what kind of person do you want to be with?
We need to do it more when you're rich, because you shouldn't settle for what we have achieved now. We still need to move on and pursue other meaningful things. We also need to grow, and we shouldn't be naïve in our behavior because many people will suddenly show up when they know they can get something from you.
4. Create a new goal.
Let's be grateful for our achievements and also be thankful that they came to you, but don't be satisfied that if you earn a lot of money now, be thankful. We should not be as greedy as possible. If we achieve our first goal, we make another goal, and so on.
Success is like cleaning; if you clean your house today, you will have to clean again tomorrow. And we'll do it every day, so we can keep a clean house, right? So, when we are living a rich life, we have to set a new target.
I think I would agree with the first point you made, not buying overly expensive right away shows financial wisdom and control... there's something someone once said, if you can't buy it twice you can't afford it, a lot of people hit their first millions and immediately buy a car forgetting that there are other expenses to take care of, at the end of the day some of them end up selling that car cause they don't have the ability to keep up with the lifestyle... creating a new goal is Also a good point, your focus should be different and you must cut off unnecessary things that takes your money