I have wisdom to share: This is originally a line from Buckaroo Banzai Across The Eigth Dimension:
"No matter where you go, there you are."
You, with money, are the same person as you, without money. Having money may change the way you live, but get over the idea that it will change you. It won't. If you expect it to, you'll waste a lot of time trying to figure out who you are. And if you do shit you don't like or aren't good at, expecting that you will like it or be good at it now that you have money, you're being dumb. If you're unhappy without money, you'll probably be unhappy with money. If you can't form stable relationships because you don't value other people enough, you'll still have that problem when you have money. etc.
So, long-story-short: money is a tool, not an aspect of identity.
Nice, well said.
However, most people tend to think/say that money doesn't bring happiness.
Happiness is a state of mind, so it depends on a person's character, not their pockets.
That being said, NOT having (enough) money to be able to cope with your responsibilities, creates health issues and unhappiness.
So does money bring happiness?
Personally I would rather cry in a mansion