If you're thinking about buying one of CoinTerra's 2TH/s April delivery miners for ~8 BTC right now then I strongly recommend you take my bet instead:
Here is how it works:
You and I both pick a mutually agreeable arbitrator and go to
https://www.bitrated.com/ and pay to a 2 of 3 multi-signature blockchain escrow.
Each of us pays 8 BTC into the escrow for a total of 16 BTC.
Then, later at your option but no more than a year from the start we will calculate the income the miner would have earned given the network difficulty, minus 0.00005 BTC/kwh power (e.g. $0.05kwh at $1000/BTC)... and the escrow will pay you 105% of that amount up to a maximum of 16 BTC, and pay me the remainder.
If for some reason cointerra doesn't deliver by the end of may, the calculation will be performed assuming that they did deliver at the end of may and that the miners drew whatever their january units draw (or 1.2KW if they ship nothing at all ever). In no case will we use prior to April 1st as the starting date. (E.g. I'm not willing to take a risk that cointerra buys up your bets and then ships units early.
You avoid the hassle of actually running the miner and get a 5% increase in the return from it, you also get a degree of protection against a failure to ship or a massively delayed shipment. The cost to you is that is that your the total returned is limited to 16 BTC.
I'm willing to work out more specific contract terms with interested parties.