It’s true,people should split their income to different parts every month.The gamblers should have allot 10-20 percentage of money for their entertainment,So the entertainment money will not affect your monthly expenses.This was the strategy to get away from any financial issues after the loss from the gambling.Gambling profit always give you some good enjoyment and allow you to buy some more desired items.But we should think about the loss too.Because being practical will lead to peaceful life.Some of the gamblers failed to calculate their income and living the peace less life.Once you do planned expenses,you will be free from credits.
You are indeed a rich dude/person for allocating such 10-20$ to gambling but to me, I feel like its a waste when I have more responsibilities to tackle but its cool, you may have little bills to handle and more time to have fun but I don't have money to spend on gambling. The reason why I said so is that my wager is always in local currency and considering the siuation of dollar rate here, if I use that % on gambling, it is going to be a extravagant life style that may end me up with gambling addiction.
I think Op have not gamble much, if at all he does, he will know how powerful the statement is for a gambler to use the money he cannot afford to lose, so that when you don't win anything, guilt and disappointment will not be the first thing that will come to your mind but where you made mistake and the necessary precautions that where avoided in the first place, learn to put it in practice and you will understand the power of that statement.