I noticed majority of the people in my area tend to spend more money then usual when they get their salary, like buying things they don't really need.
I said majority of people because my dad owns a grocery store, I have noticed that most of the customers tend to buy more stuff on the 1st and 10th day of the month because on these days they get paid in my country.
I already seeing this pattern on news or business related youtube videos, but I didn't think it was a big deal.
Now I realized that its very important to consider this behavior of people when making business decisions because it can have a big impact on the sales or finances.
I am surprised by it because in my family we usually buy only things we really need, I am starting to understand how other people's spending habits can affect the business.
Do you also find yourself spending more on you payday?, or you approach your expenses differently?
If you live in poor country, there is a very high chance that your customers are not spending more than they don't need, probably in your area many people live from paycheck to paycheck and that's why you see a quick burst in sales on payday. There are also many parents who don't want their kids to feel sad and try to buy everything even if that's hard to afford for them.
If your society does not face financial shocks such as imposed inflation or sudden unemployment, then people's spending habits will inevitably be like this, as most people tend to feel that they are rich and thus spend more money whenever this money is available. This feeling gives them a feeling that what they are doing is great, whether it is jobs or businesses. service and Adrenalin dosage to continue working hard, even if they know that at the end of the month they may not be able to get the same quality of life.
No, it matters where he lives. When people live from paycheck to paycheck, they buy necessary items when they get their salary and rarely have to spend money on other things but in rich countries, if someone spends a lot of money during paydays then they are the ones who buy what they don't need to buy. That's very common issue in USA as I have heard.