We could argue that this can also be achievable with other blockchains.
The advantage of Bitcoin (in general and compared to other cryptocurrencies) is the fact that we can achieve this with a network that is hard as a rock in terms of stability and security, and the fact that it's pretty much the most decentralized cryptocurrency we have right now.
It's true and I shortly noted about it too.
Transactions on Bitcoin blockchain have an extra security, no reverse.
In security, power to fight against 51% attacks, Bitcoin is a strongest blockchain, most secured one.
How many confirmations are equivalent to 6 Bitcoin confirmationsA deep dive from Jameson Lopp on it.
How many Bitcoin confirmations is enoughHis tool, Bitcoin confirmation risk calculator.
https://jlopp.github.io/bitcoin-confirmation-risk-calculator/?ref=blog.lopp.net$24.76 is too much for 1 input and 2 outputs transaction. Either the person knew what he did or waste money on fee.
The transaction is having 1 input and 2 outputs. The fee rate with the highest priority that I saw just now to send bitcoin is 11 sat/vbyte, which amounts to $1.05 if you are sending from 1 input to 2 addresses (2 outputs).
The person used legacy address. Let us assume that the 3 addresses are legacy. The fee is for segwit address is $1.05. If the person used 2 times the fee which is $2, it is enough to get the transaction confirmed faster.
What you said is true but I did not list all advantages of Bitcoin blockchain here and what bitcoin users should do like to save transaction fees with address type, inputs and outputs.
The rich like the sender of that transaction did not mind about it definitely but as you see my note, the poor with small funds, will feel this fee is expensive and they have to learn how to use Bitcoin blockchain, wallets better just to save transaction fee.
Two main points I wanted to share with this transaction are.
Bitcoin blockchain gives cheaper transaction fee for $300M transaction like this compares to bank transfers and other methods.
Transactions on Bitcoin blockchain are more secured, irreversible for big transactions like this, it is a best choice.
With recent improvements in mempool conditions, do you think we'll see sustained lower fees? Also, what solutions do you think could help make Bitcoin transactions more affordable for those with smaller funds?
I can not predict future.
You can learn about mempools, non custodial wallets, fee rate and consolidate your small inputs or make transactions when you can save fee.
Fees are low, use this opportunity to Consolidate your small inputs