To answer the OP and his problem here is a thread to read regarding why someone might think you are a racist you used the Word "Nigger" it was offensive to me as my sister is half black. People may use this term out of anger or Ignorance and may be forgiven but when you used the term Half breed Baby (Describing a half white half black child) you crossed the line and deserve the feedback "Racist". I have seen others posts by you regarding Jewish people and the derogatory terms used to describe them.
It's never too late PG to change course. I have hope for you.
If I change my course, than I would be a Nigger hater and wish all Jews to die, because I am exactly opposite of what you believe I am. Also, I too have a nephew by my niece that is half-black. Love the little dude to death. Speaking of death, his father, a NIGGER, at least once beat the kid at 7 months for...wait for it...crying, because this NIGGER couldn't get to sleep after consuming mass amounts of drugs purchased from his black friends. <---Note, I did not say other NIGGERS, for that's not the case. I said black friends. The term NIGGER I am using here relates to only one person who just happens to be black. One of my nephews who is 100% white is a NIGGER!
If anybody thinks that I am a racist due to the above, then blow your motherfuckin' brains out, for you have serious issues.
I have dated three beautiful black women in my life, and fucked many more via paying for their sex in Las Vegas, Houston and Nashville (maybe Chicago, but can't remember at this penning). Don't think for one Goddamn second that I, at 54, would not come out and clearly state that I hate Niggers and Jews, for I surely would if such were the case, in which it is not. In fact, I hate the word hate, rarely using it in print or vocally.
I may be considered having a myriad of issues, but being a racist is NOT one of them.
~Bruno Kucinskas
EDIT: I just remembered that I fucked a beautiful black women on the beach in Goa, India, Christmas night in 1991. $20, is case you're wondering, paid in singles. Including the tip. She was so very happy, as so was I.