I am happy to answer any questions or refute false claims. We need to all do our homework so we know exactly how our system works. If you do not know that then your spreading mis-information and that only gives more cover to the real exploitative actions happening in our economy.
I need to do more research in that case thanks for that Dalkore, I'd like to know the sources for where you got that from though.
I wish it was that easy, it has been years of research to get to a point where I understand atleast the public workings in our financial system and I am still learning about new players and pieces each day.
Here are a couple books:
The Federal Reserve System - Written in 1937, its a sort of official manual
Modern Money Mechanics - Published by one of the reserve banks
Science of Money - Alexander Del Mar & The Lost Science of Money which is a derivative of this work among others
Lombard Street - This is an important work that is considered by some as the bible of central banking
Tragedy & Hope - Carroll Quigley (1st edition or reprint of 1st edition) - At a normal pace, this will take you 2-3 months, don't rush it.