No investment or your own business is risk-free. Everything you do is risk expect your job in which you know you will get paid not matter what. Risk is a very phenomenal thing it can make you rich if taken at good time and it can make you lose your all money if taken at bad time or in bad luck. Also I believe is that the risk is in everything - Life is all about taking risks, So stop hating risk and embrace it and accept it.
TEX-LXRY even jobs can be risky and unstable. Not everyone have the privilege to have a safe job, and to be sure it will
last until the pension. Everything else you said I agree with you, there's no risk-free investment, and we all know that
crypto-currencies are more risky than anything else. But where is the risk there is a gain, and that gain here can be high.
Those who hate risking will not have big rewards in life. Risk can be calculated and sometimes it's worth to try it!