Easy peasy. I take Mike's signed document, append text after his signature that identifies the new buyer, and sign the whole thing with my key.
For sake of illustration, Mike's original document is in blue, and mine is in red.
---Begin PGP doc---
- ---Begin PGP doc---
I, Mike Caldwell, sent coins a,b,c to nubbins,
and his PGP fingerprint is ABCD EFGH.
See attached document scanned-coins.pdf
with MD5 checksum blahblah
- ---Begin PGP sig---
234C%#@4fv524 <---PGP signature for Mike's key
- ---End PGP sig---
I, nubbins, sent coin b to zipmaster,
and his PGP fingerprint is IJKL MNOP.
---Begin PGP sig---
@%$Y#H/Rgef4e <---PGP signature for my key (ABCD EFGH)
---End PGP sig---
Then I just take this block of text and scanned-coins.pdf and send them along to the new owner.