Using publicly available statistics will only get you so far. You will always come up short, if you are basing your bets solely on stats. Bookmakers and other punters have these stats too, so there is no advantage to be gained
Especially if you consider, that bookmakers are using algorithms and AI to process tons of stats, which is something average Joe isn't able to do.
If you want to gain an edge, my advice would be the following: watch, watch, watch. Watch the sports/leagues you are betting on. Watch as much as you can. Even watch, when you are not having a bet. Just watch, observe, check the odds moving, make notes and try to learn to read a game/match. There is so many information to be gathered by just watching and you won't find any of this information in the internet. It's information you have exclusively for you.
And read, read, read. Try to look for information that is hard to find. Check homepages of players (mostly for indidvual sports like Tennis for example), read their Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Go to non-betting forums, where people talk about the sports they love. Do some networking with other good punters.
And start to compile your own odds. Don't check the odds before you have made your own ones and then compare, where you have different expectation. Try to figure out, who is right and who is probably not.