This is why privilege really matter in this case, if you're born poor, it's hard for you to change your life, if you're born in a middle class people, you can't really change your life, but at least you live better than most people, although you will stuck in "rat-race".
I have seen 2 type of doctors:
1- Coming from a poor family, has to work because otherwise she/he will starve. Some of them don’t even like their job but she/he has no other choice because the decision was made long time ago. He might be making money better than the other people but he is not happy overall.
2- Rich af parents, went to the best or most expensive schools, has a huge friend network. He can quit and live without working till the last day of his life but he is happy with his job, so he won’t quit. Money is not a problem, he can do whatever he likes and work as many hours he wants. He can take a break whenever he wants and return later. He simply doesn’t give a fuck.
Did you know which of those doctors I described is the more successful one? Yeah, you guessed right.
Now this example is true for every other job/business in the world.
If you don’t need any money to survive, you’ll probably become successful at whatever business you do because you have infinite resources to try it again when you fail.
The others, they get fucked when they fail.