The main problem with I2P and Tor is that they only try to protect you against mostly-passive attackers who have absolutely no idea of where you might actually be on the Internet. The Tor threat model says (and this is also true of I2P):
By observing both ends, passive attackers can confirm a suspicion that Alice is talking to Bob if the timing and volume patterns of the traffic on the connection are distinct enough; active attackers can induce timing signatures on the traffic to force distinct patterns. Rather than focusing on these traffic confirmation attacks, we aim to prevent traffic analysis attacks, where the adversary uses traffic patterns to learn which points in the network he should attack.
But attackers looking for the real IP of a target hidden service can significantly narrow the set of possible targets by enumerating all active Tor/I2P users (using widespread traffic analysis or by having a lot of nodes on the network), and then they can further narrow it by doing intersection attacks. Once they've narrowed it down to a few hundred possibilities, they can try timing attacks against each one to get solid proof that they're the target.
(I wonder if the hidden services that were not taken down in the recent bust have anything in common. Are they in a particular country that's unfriendly to NSA demands? Do they use a fixed set of trusted entry guards? Probably we won't find out, unfortunately.)
I just don't think that low-latency client<->server networks can be secure. What we need are distributed data stores like Freenet so that the originator/owner of content doesn't need to always be online and moreover has plausible deniability even if they are under active surveillance.
However, I really doubt that any existing anonymous data store could actually stand up to targeted traffic analysis of the content originator. Freenet seems to be put together in an especially haphazard way, without much theoretical basis for its claimed anonymity.
I like a lot of what I've read about GNUnet. I think that a good path forward for anonymous networks would be:
- Make the GNUnet software user-friendly.
- Create message board and Web functionality (like FProxy) on top of GNUnet.
- Make GNUnet work over I2P.
- Increase the popularity of GNUnet+I2P so that attackers can't just do traffic analysis of every single user.
They way you solve traffic pattern analysis is to make your protocol consume a constant amount of bandwidth all the time, regardless of whether anything is actually going on or not.