I know maybe a little bit about bitcoin right now, I haven't bought any yet. All I've done is play some stupid gambling games like pocketdice ( fuck that ).
Now after researching, I decided that I wanted to get serious about bitcoin... I know I should just Google it, but I wanna know more from the people here who are pros at this business... As a newbie, how should I start it? Should I buy BTC and just hold it? Is there any trustful and safe ways to profit it? Is investing in cloudmining like Genesis a good thing? ( probably not ).
Any tips on how to start will be great. Thanks
I suggest you to learn trading, yes it smally depends on luck but if you will have good skills in trading, will be good in analyze of statistics or etc than try trading, also read many books about trading strategies, good trader is good reader.
If you want, you can buy and hold bitcoins but to my mind now it's not good time for that.
If you are looking for legit cloudmining, you can try hashnest but I don't suggest you because ROI is very small and it don't worths, it's waste of time. Better to get profit yourself with your skills.