Ultimately when it boils down to it, people having sex for money is really no different to prostituting oneself for entertainment, for example Ed Balls on strictly come dancing, it is commercial prostitution in the name of entertainment, so when the law states that prostitution is illegal (UK) then I find it amusing how people prostitute themselves for money against products etc on TV, to me there is no difference. So is it really appropriate to give the adult industries a bad name, after all there are probably verifiable high level people peddling most of the content anyway.
Prostitution usually means giving away your
body for money, not your
actions. Porn actors are still having sex on their own, not let the viewers have sex with them. That's like saying all Hollywood actors would be prostituting themselves to the public. It's a definition of prostitution that does not work well.
Question: You seem interested, so let me ask you, why is it important that people use Titcoin (or XXXcoin) instead of money issued from national banks? What is the advantage to them as businesses (apart from with POS etc being able to increase their wealth) if you could present one or more arguments for moving across to these payments, what would they be? I know what my answer would be, but I would like to know community reasons why it would be a good thing for the adult industry, what advantage is it to them??
- Low processing fee
- Fast processing speed
- Higher incentive to spend money. People will usually buy more Titcoin than they need at that moment. So what do you do with Titcoins if not spend them? Just like iTunes vouchers. If you have it, you are more likely to spend it early rather than waiting until you actually need it.
- Privacy. When you have it, nobody will notice when you spend it.
- Easy to set up. This is crucial for independent or smaller actors, cammers etc. You can just insert a QR code into the video to spend money to (I think this was your idea lol). No need for a payment service, for someone to set it up for you, integrate it into a web page etc. Every cammer girl can use it. You could also integrate a bell for incoming Titcoins into the wallet. For small businesses, it is still simpler than CC etc. as you can post the address on a web page and manage incoming payments by hand.
The critical question is how to
get them. Figuring out how to use Yobit or Polo is too much for the average user. Your job as a developer is to invent a nifty way of buying Titcoins easily while maintaining privacy. Probably either some kind of micro-exchange, or by buying TIT from the market and selling to the people at an average price.