InCoinsWeTrust's giveaway is over, but the interest doesn't seem to be.. That combined with the fact that my pool is currently empty gives me the following idea.
The P2Pool Giveaway has ended! Another one will follow soon enough..P2Pool GiveawayI'm not as rich as InCoinsWeTrust, but I can take the hit of losing a thousand titties (I'm celibate, so there). Thanks to substantial financial support from the TittieCoin Team, a total of
28008 TTC will be distributed over
this dynamic list of addresses with corresponding payout, courtesy of the
P2Pool donation mechanism. So how do you get your address on that list? That's easy! All you have to do is mine at one of the p2pool nodes at some point in the following 24 hours and have an active share at the moment of donation. There is no registration in P2Pool, all you have to do is configure your miner:
minerd -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOURTITTIECOINADDRESSHERE -p X
The donation will be at exactly
February 5th 02:00:00 CET 2014.
But wait a second, isn't the donation payout proportional? You'll only reward the big miners!Ha.. Well, yes, it's proportional. Take a look at the stats though on There are no big miners at the moment. I just pointed my mighty ~200 kH/s rig at it and got a share within 2 minutes. I'd say that it takes little effort to partake in this P2Pool giveaway! Of course, the more shares you have, the more titties you'll receive from the donation - and you'll even receive regular p2pool payout if (when?) we find a block some day as well.
Isn't twenty-eight-thousand and eight titties way too little?This paragraph's title made way more sense when it was just my own 1000 TTC. A total of 28008 Titties will be distributed, which isn't too meager - about 3.5 blocks full of titties. Notice that 28008 is not only the current P2Pool port, but also very cleverly spells "boobz" when turned upside down. If that's not enough reason to go full-on bonkers for bonkers: there will be enough left in my wallet to do another round later on, which unless even fun-ner ideas arise will be exactly what's going to happen!
if you're rich tittie-wise and If you're still not convinced that 28008 TTC is enough, you can raise the rewards by sending to: TTCp2pTyCBU7yL2N5CXuxNBBKcx1jr1znk (though you'll also have to come up with a backstory for the new donation amount)
Alternatively, if you happen to use Linux with a headless tittiecoin, I warmly invite you to run the following in bash at February 5th 02:00:00 CET 2014:
tittiecoind sendmany "" "$(GET"
Just replace 1000 with the amount you want to donate.
P2Pool nodes: (0.9% fee) (1% fee)