Maybe if I buy 1 BTC, I will use some to gamble (but in small quantities), some investments (such as trade), some I hold in my bitcoin wallet. Maybe it will get to be a big advantage, and by doing that I could manage spending bitcoin so that the expenditure was not enlarged and revenues continue to exist.
That is a very great idea. I did that too. I put like 90% of my fund into casino investment so at time i may earn like a bit of bitcoin and i use it to gamble or keep it there. So basically, i am using free money and there is no harm even when i end up losing.
yes that is a good idea that you have invested your money in casino, and you do not give preference to gambling, but it s also good only in such area where casinos are legal, but in such area where casinos are not legal you cannot take such a big risk to invest your 90% investment.
Yeah i also think 90% is quite too big of an investment already and it is upsbthe risk also. But it's good that you have a plan with your money as good things start from there
Well that is the best i can do with my btc. I have used it to trade alt coin, lose a lot of btc. I have invested in mining company, lose like 19btc. After trying for so many ways, finally i manage to find a way to profit quite regularly and that is casino investment. So i use 90% to divert to 3-4 rep casino and just see my btc slowly goes up. Otherwise i really have no idea how to make it grow and may even end up spending on useless things.
the fact that you lose a lot of money (19
BTC wow) in cloud mining only shows that you are lazy to research who you are giving your money to. a quick search always shows that cloud mining has had a terrible scam record.
also the fact that you are saying you lost a lot of money on trading shows that you are again too lazy to learn how to trade the right way and you most probably were gambling on altcoins to go up.
the same thing will be true about your current investment.
you must know the risks first. risks like the casino running away with your investment like those cloud mining sites. the risk of a high roller winning. also the risk of a hacker exploiting something in the site and win. and all these have already happened before so it is not just imaginary risks.