Today is the 10th anniversary of Bitcoin - the predicted currency that will revolutionize the global economy
Ten years ago, on a beautiful October day, a virtual currency called Bitcoin was born under the creations of Satoshi Nakamoto.
However, it was not until May 2010, when programmer Lalo Hanyecz changed 10,000 Bitcoins to get two pizza, this virtual currency was officially traded to buy things on the market.
Of course to this day, users can buy more than 2 pizza if they have 10,000 Bitcoins.
With the increase in Bitcoin, the use of this currency also increased rapidly. As of April 2011, Bitcoin's daily volume has reached $ 1 million, just over a year after two pizzas sold for 10,000 Bitcoins.
To date, the virtual currency market has grown stronger and much larger than it was 10 years ago. Even more types of virtual currency have been explored for use in different purposes.
There are over 1,000 virtual currency trading platforms in the world, including Bitcoin, Ether, DogeCoin. The peak of the virtual currency boom is January 1, 2018, when the market value estimated by exceeds $ 835 billion.
Concerned that the virtual currency market is deflating as well as the risks they bring, policymakers have issued restrictive regulations, even banning circulation in some markets, The market value of this virtual currency evaporates around $ 600 million from the peak.
It has been 10 years since Bitcoin was born, and it remains unclear whether virtual currencies like Bitcoin will become a new currency, a revolution in payments or a change in the global economy. Predict it or not.
Source: AB - According to the Times
This is amazing , bitcoin surpass all the challenges for 10 years so it makes me believe more that bitcoin will recover and be successful again. There are some improvements that happened but im happy that bitcoin is still growing and helping other people's life.